Track the members of your group.  

Using YouTube incognito mode allows you

Using YouTube incognito mode allows you to search for and watch videos without adding them to your personalized YouTube experience.

So yes, it's a great perk to have if you want to use YouTube without the or you and suggesting similar content.

But remember, just like incognito browsers, YouTube's incognito mode gives a small degree of , but it doesnt make you or keep you safe on the .

-Petunjuk cara mencari nomor resi pos di Indonesia-

Kunjungi website idpelacakan.
Masukkan nomor resi atau waybill
Klik tombol Cari
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Hubungi Pos Indonesia
Pastikan untuk memeriksa ulang informasi yang Anda berikan saat mencari nomor resi untuk memastikan keakuratannya.

Masukkan kode pelacakan Anda untuk mengetahui di mana paket Anda berada:

-Keuntungan menggunakan layanan Idpelacakan-

Layanan kami dirancang agar efisien, menghemat waktu, menyampaikan informasi dengan cepat tanpa iklan yang mengganggu, dan memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang lancar dan nyaman.
Lacak paket Anda bersama kami. Mulailah hari ini! Note:

-Bagaimana cara kerja sistem pelacakan paket di IDPelacakan-

Sistem pelacakan paket di IDPelacakan bekerja menggunakan teknologi dan proses pengelolaan data untuk memberikan informasi detail mengenai pengangkutan paket dari asal hingga tujuan.
Klik di sini untuk memeriksa status pengiriman Anda sekarang

-Petunjuk pengecekan paket dan tracking resi di idpelacakan -
Kunjungi website IDPelacakan:
Silakan masukkan kode di kotak yang sesuai:
Status Tracking:
Klik di sini untuk memeriksa status pengiriman Anda sekarang

Liebe iPhonies! Wenn ich mein iPhone in der Tasche herumtrage, um meine Schritte zhlen zu lassen - reicht da die Health-App oder anders gefragt: Wozu sind diese anderen Schrittzhler-Apps eigentlich gut
Ntzen die was
Boost erwnscht!

If it has a tracking number, PayPal can provide package tracking even if you didn't buy it with PayPal. It works with international shipping also

Wow this consent screen is a doozy. (I've seen worse.)

"Tracking Cellphone Data by Neighborhood, Israel Gauges Gaza Evacuation"


"The Israeli military says the tracking and the call to evacuate are to preserve as many civilian lives as possible during an expected ground invasion, even as deadly airstrikes continue."

Corona und berwachungsstaat

- How Probes and


How to delete your Google Play Store search history & how to delete your Google Play Store app download history.

"How to delete your history on the Google Play Store" - Android Police

Gesichtserkennung verbreitet sich in der Tourismusbranche nicht nur beim Check-in an Flughfen, Kreuzfahrtschiffen und Themenparks, sondern auch beim Bezahlen.

While are great, its worth mentioning that cant stop the most invasive of techniques, fingerprinting.

Only dedicated privacy tools such as can do this.

Heute schon widersprochen

"Die IP-Adresse wird im Post-Cookie-Zeitalter wieder zu einem wichtigen Merkmal. ... Die belgische Firma Utiq SA/NV kooperiert mit der Telekom, Vodafone, Telefnica und Orange, um Smartphones anhand von wechselnden IP-Adressen im mobilen Netzwerk (WWAN) zu verfolgen."


This is very important reading, why you may need to reduce usage of Internet and gadgets to minimum or switch to some offline lifestyle completely if privacy and freedom matters for you something:

Einrichtung von unbound in Verbindung mit Pi-hole zur Verbesserung der DNS-Antworten in Bezug auf Geschwindigkeit und Privatsphre.

AirTags als 'Stalker-Lieblingswaffe': Sammelklage gegen Apple bekommt Zulauf

Apple kenne die Gefahren des AirTag-Missbrauchs, schtze aber nur unzulnglich davor, monieren die Klger das Produkt sei defekt.

TrustPID ist neuem Gewand: Utiq. Auch hier kann Widerspruch eingelegt werden - allerdings nur fr ein Jahr.

(ber Mobilfunknetz aufrufen)

DHS Releases Previously-Withheld Report Detailing Agencies Abuse Of Location Data Purchased From Data Brokers Techdirt

What's the highest number of blocked elements you've seen using uBlock Origin

Here's Notion at 888

Der Beitrag zur Einrichtung von unbound in Verbindung mit Pi-hole zur Verbesserung der DNS-Antworten in Bezug auf Geschwindigkeit und Privatsphre ist abgeschlossen. Wann soll er erscheinen

Google's latest "privacy" bullshit...
they're pushing changes to Android to trick you into agreeing to more information sharing. The wording of the information deliberately makes it sound like they've added new privacy features when actually they've added more ways to track your activity between apps on your phone. Don't fall for it. Disable all of these so-called "features".

Gotta love it when a douchebag tracking company publishes a white paper explicitly illustrating all of the ways they are breaking EU law in relation to ePrivacy and GDPR - talk about giving gifts!

AWIN will be the subject of my next legal complaint :)

You couldn't make this stuff up!

(Don't worry I have a copy saved in case they take it down).

Google just enabled "App-suggested ads" and "Ad measurement" on my Pixel phone without my consent.

Go to...

Settings > Google > Ads > Ad privacy turn them off

how VPNs work against Anti-Mining
What VPNs exactly do


I like the OmniMotion scene representation in "Tracking Everywhere All At Once".

It models a video scene via a globally consistent canonical quasi-3D volume that acts as a 3D atlas of the scene.

For each frame the system parameterises an invertible neural network (INN) as a bijection between a frame-specific 3D volume and the global atlas, allowing it to track (with remarkable success) points that get occluded or go out of frame.

Wenn ich beim Surfen im Web auch nur ein bisschen konsequenter auf Sicherheit und Schutz persnlicher Daten, Vermeidung von u.. achte, dann funktioniert z.B. die Website von weder im , noch in . Da geht einfach gar nichts.

Das ist IMO schlicht achtloses, inkompetentes aus grauer Vorzeit.

Leider gibt es noch viele weitere hnlich retardierte Websites da drauen. Das muss irgendwie am Fachkrftemangel liegen...

Aussie Android owners might be a little miffed they can't use track and AirTag. Fortunately, they now have their own solution.

I keep ramping up my anti-tracking and anti-ads game in my digital life, and since I stopped using Chrome, my ads are getting even more generic.

I'm now mostly receiving ads for dating sites presenting single straight women, which is about as generic as ads can get I expect. They have no idea who I am, so they're serving ads for Grayson Perry's "default man".

is cracking down on more aggressively, here's how to bypass it You could spend 20 minutes doing all that and still have spying on you, or you could use and watch videos with a little less

Ich habe die neue testweise installiert und App-Analyse und Fehler im Einwilligungsdialog nicht zugestimmt.

Bei der Nutzung habe mich dann einige Zugriffsversuche "irritiert" zB , , amazons *, , GmBH etc., von denen ich ohne Funktionsverlust, ggf. Performanceeinbuen, sperren konnte.

Muss das sein Ist das iO


Dans aucun autre domaine, nos droits fondamentaux sont autant mpriss que dans le numrique. L'intgrit numrique de la personne doit tre garantie par la constitution.
Elections fdrales 2023
Sbastien Piguet
Candidat Parti Pirate vaudois - 02.01

public final class SexualActivityRecord implements Record

Captures an occurrence of sexual activity. Each record is a single occurrence. ProtectionUsed field is optional.


Were back after the summer with our fourth devlog:

A few highlights: Weve been busy improving the documentation of our TrackHAR adapters to provide better reasoning on why we think properties contain certain data types. Weve also written a script for debugging our adapters, which allows us to run them against all matching requests in our open request database.

We already announced the database in a previous toot: b

Counting ghosts A case for abandoning web analytics

Adblock detector: "Take off the condom for a better experience with me"

Dies liest sich nur einigermaen spannend, denn kein 5G und undefinierte Angaben zum Smartphone sagt leider zu wenig aus. Unter anderem ist 5G fr moderne Smartphones so zu sagen Standart. Abgesehen davon sind Android Klonens ohne Tracking sehr zu begren.

Mit /e/OS: Google-freies Smartphone Murena 2 ist finanziert


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