Track the members of your group.  

Unsurprisingly, the team behind the browser

Unsurprisingly, the team behind the browser have confirmed that 's new Topics API in , which will mine your browser's history for your interests and report that data to sites that request it, will not be enabled in their :

If you want to use a based browser but don't want Google's and invasions there are few better choices than Vivaldi.

Periodic reminder. Use Temporary Containers in Firefox

Wealthy Russian With Kremlin Ties Gets 9 Years in Prison for Hacking and Insider Trading Scheme Source: &LawEnforcement

Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome

The will keep coming
gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into
Chrome now directly tracks users, generates a "topic" list it shares with advertisers.

You will have seen a popup at some point if you are still using Chrome telling you that they want to enroll you in their privacy-preserving plan.

Treat the idea with the scorn it deserves. They are in fact trying to get you to agree to their tracking program.

You'll probably be using Firefox already if you care about that kind of thing though I guess.


Track your Group

Oh jeesh, deadline is today (9-7) on the CDC allowing public comment on wastewater collection. You can tell them we need wastewater collection expanded so we can better keep track of COVID:

Wealthy Russian With Kremlin Ties Gets 9 Years in Prison for Hacking and Insider Trading Scheme &LawEnforcement

PBS Terra
What If Our Clothes Could Disrupt Surveillance Cameras

Die Bahn-App DB Navigator ist voll mit Trackern. Wir klagen zusammen mit IT-Sicherheitsexperte Mike Kuketz und Rechtsanwalt Peter Hense dagegen. Denn wir wollen Bahn fahren nicht Daten liefern.

The already set them an ultimatum:

If your vehicle was made in the last few years, youre probably driving around in a data-harvesting machine that may collect personal information as sensitive as your race, weight, and sexual activity.

Video - The risks of stalkerware
"The risks of stalkerware
"GMAs" Becky Worley explores the risk of the electronic surveillance applications."

Is dead There's everywhere. Add to the mix...

I have Tor, but it isn't suitable for all things. Neither is FF Klar/Focus and IceCat. I found that Chrome was required for boarding passes for Westjet. It is in Insular (FOSS version of Island- isolated from all apps). So we make do with imperfect combinations. I also recommend Blokada from F-droid. No ads on android and blocked 200k trackers in a year.

I just use minus and shit!( ) as well for ( )....

It just works!

more, people...

Probably many are reading too quickly, so a reminder:

is the holding company for , in turn including also , , and

is 's


is behind , , ,

So indeed, having them allow to choose their / , reducing the tethers and unfair with these above is great. True, 's missing

Its Official: Cars Are the Worst Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy

Another reason why we should stop using Google Chrome: They launched their advertisement Topics API:

There are better alternatives out there! If you want something Chromium-based:

- Ungoogled Chromium (): Basically Chrome without all the Google Bullsh1t

- Vivaldi (): European browser which is highly customizable and also based on Chromium

Dein Auto weiss, mit wem du gestern Nacht geschlafen hast!

While the "Ad Privacy" pop-up does ask whether you want to enable the "Ad topics" feature or not, it is not obvious that it enables 2/3 of the options regardless of your first selection. You must manually go to the settings and disable the 2 other tracking features yourself, there is no direct button to opt-out. Most users will easily miss this.

This, of course, is by design to ensure that the feature will get traction and ensure Google's continued ad revenue. We're well past "don't be evil".

Durch DNS-Filter, individuelle Einstellungen und persnliches Nutzungsverhalten wird die datenschutzfreundliche Nutzung von Amazon Fire TV ermglicht.

When travelling using my ICE vehicle, I'm tracked by government ANPR cameras, my mobile phone provider, and by my bank as I make purchases along the way. The vehicle itself has no direct contact with its manufacturer.

I'm aware that this is not the case with Tesla EVs which are in frequent communication with their maker.

Which, if any, brands of EV have similar levels of privacy to ICE, with no contact with the factory

Organic Maps: Karten zum , , fr und . Das ganze absolut frei von und basierend auf

I put stats on my blog, then I ripped them back out.


Bill Gates, Digital ID Investor: Every Person on Earth Should 'Prove Their Identity' with 'Digital ID

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is calling on nations around the world to adopt his "global solution" for "digital ID" to ensure that every single person on Earth "proves their identity."

Wir analysieren Deine Browsing history und geben die Daten weiter, um Deine Privatsphre zu schtzen!

Our open request database is online: o/

We regularly run analyses on thousands of and apps. As we want to enable as many people as possible to look into the inner workings of trackers, we are publishing our datasets for other researchers, activists, journalists, and anyone else who is interested in understanding . There are already 250k requests from between January 2021 and July 2023, with more to come in the future. b

Jetzt ist es schon schlimm genug, dass die DB Navigator Apps mit Trackern gespickt sind. Doch jetzt kommts:

In der Original "DB Navigator" App kann man Reisen auf dem Gert speichern OHNE sich einloggen zu mssen. In der "neuen" Next DB Navigator App muss man dazu eingeloggt sein.

Es ist einfach nur noch zum Kotzen mit diesem

Amiga Samplers: Budget dance music in 1990

Im active on both because X is still by far and away the best platform for and and and and and the like.
is getting there, but for this small SIG group, X rocks.
(Trying to spread the love here, I'm in for the long haul).

TV: vs. ct uplink c't Magazin

Smart TV: Tracking vs. Datenschutz ct uplink

In dieser Folge des ct uplink gehts um Smart-TVs genauer: darum, wie sie unser Verhalten berwachen.

We've been tracking Mr. Met all around NYC and y'all don't wanna know what he's been up to.

NYCs transit agency disables feature that made it possible to track subway riders

Starting with Chrome version 116, Googles browser includes enhanced privacy settings that allow you to manage advertisements and tracking. Here's how to use them.

There's no point in worrying about monitoring, tracking and collecting data as long as the comments keep offering links which are overloaded with trackers and scripts.

executor duties