Track the members of your group.  

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this video has 302 views

Danielle Citron The Fight for

talks about:

Apple has backported the patch for CVE-2024-23296 to the iOS 16 branch and has fixed a bug (CVE-2024-27852) in MarketplaceKit that may allow maliciously crafted webpages to distribute a script that tracks iOS users on other webpages.

The company has also added a new capability to iOS 17 that will alert users if an unknown Bluetooth tracker is seen moving with them.

and agree on standard to alert people when unknown Bluetooth devices may be tracking them

The move follows numerous cases of Bluetooth trackers like Apples AirTags being used for stalking.

vvvv now supports the realtime location system (RTLS) by Blueiot, see:

et , les deux titans du monde mobile, ont dcid de mettre leurs diffrends de ct pour unir leurs forces en nous dvoilant un nouveau protocole :
le Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers

I have just the for people to try.

For those who are like me and are tired of /their sketchy partnership with , and and s invasive oh and,

no features

I urge you to try (based on )

- /kinda federated search engine
- no ads
- no paid walled features

(searxng instances don't federate with each other like , but there's lots of choices of servers with more variety of hosts)

ist ein dnnes Haar in der Suppe der .

and deliver support for unwanted alerts in and - Apple (CA)

Apple and Google have worked together to create an industry specification Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers for tracking devices that makes it possible to alert users across both iOS and Android if such a device is unknowingly being used to track them

Next stage tracking :

You have chosen to refuse cookies, sign up for an anti-tracking subscription for 2,5/month.

iOS 17.5 zum Download bereit: Diese Neuerungen bringt das iPhone-Update

iOS 17.5 liefert neue Funktionen, darunter App-Sideloading in der EU sowie plattformbergreifende Warnungen vor fremden Bluetooth-Trackern.

Microsoft is actively working on removing the creator-tracking feature in Microsoft Edge for allegedly putting users' privacy at risk.

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Why people believe that connecting to with a somehow stops from you and selling your data

Met behulp van 352330 regels heeft AdGuard Home 10.36 % van de DNS-verzoeken gefilterd op advertenties. ()

Wearable devices can now harvest our brain data. Australia needs urgent privacy reforms IoT

Tot nu toe heb ik voorkomen dat 4934 advertenties en trackers het thuisnetwerk konden bereiken door gebruik van AdGuard Home! ()

tho that's not how works at all...
It's just that noone has banned and for containing links to .

If you want to know why expunged the entire field, it's because of that and attempts to trace stuff or mandate such that would subvert .

-Not to mention it's a horrible idea to make a -based like is just horrifyingly bad per concept!

is back at it, pushing a bill to launch a federal database

According to the , America needs a national registry for women along with the federal government tracking women's cycles, McGrath said on X.

: s to and the + .

Trumps previous comments on and make him a clear to the + .

Schluss mit Handy-Spionage: Berechtigungen und abschalten

Einige Apps knnen richtig gefhrlich fr Ihr Smartphone werden. Wir zeigen, wie Sie Berechtigungen prfen und erkennen, ob bestimmte Apps Sie auf Schritt und Tritt verfolgen.

How to make everyone switch to RCS

Tot nu toe heb ik voorkomen dat 3981 advertenties en trackers het thuisnetwerk konden bereiken door gebruik van AdGuard Home! ()

Tot nu toe heb ik voorkomen dat 3555 advertenties en trackers het thuisnetwerk konden bereiken door gebruik van AdGuard Home! ()

flaw can expose users in the to .

Werbung &

Wie gut, dass es Smartphones gibt!

TRACKING ist Stalking!!!

Why wouldn't I block it

Alexa or Siri routes all your requests thru its servers & uses this to build a nonconsensual surveillance dossier on you. Secretly records your speech, sending it to their servers even when you're not interacting with them.

AdGuard Home heeft vandaag 30054 DNS-verzoeken afgehandeld! ()

Tot nu toe heb ik voorkomen dat 2903 advertenties en trackers het thuisnetwerk konden bereiken door gebruik van AdGuard Home! ()

Kurze Frage: Wie trackt ihr eure Fahrradstrecken, wenn ihr es tut Wenn ihr eine Android App nutzt: welche

AdGuard Home heeft vandaag 22505 DNS-verzoeken afgehandeld! ()

Hrt dann endlich das unverschmte auf 0.2.0

It's been a long time coming but I've finally completed a major refactor of! See the changes for yourself at

Wanderer an open-source trail database


Today is a double feature! Sort of. Previous post was written and published yesterday

In this one I look at what's (probably) behind the si=ymmcd57jgyf part of links you share from YouTube, Instagram, and most probably others.

Report: , , break Apple's device fingerprinting rules "To prevent misuse of these APIs, Apple will reject apps that dont describe their use of the APIs in their privacy manifest file," the devs explain in an advisory. "However, we found out that apps such as Google Chrome, Instagram, Spotify, and Threads dont adhere to their declared reasons."

Met behulp van 346995 regels heeft AdGuard Home 9.33 % van de DNS-verzoeken gefilterd op advertenties. ()

Apple's attempt to prevent fingerprinting through the required reason API seems to be useless. Facebook just updated their iOS app. The app still sends the uptime and disk space information off-device. It declares reasons that prevent the app from sending such data as per Apple documentation:

Met behulp van 346992 regels heeft AdGuard Home 9.09 % van de DNS-verzoeken gefilterd op advertenties. ()

New data in our open request database!

I've just finished another monkey run on 2,358 apps. That's another 70k requests from April 2024 that can be used for understanding and researching . b

Walking Tours on your GPS!