Track the members of your group.  

the of avian A() with alternative

the of avian A() with alternative methods: the example of data, Lancet Infect Dis.:

After what we have just experienced with , allowing avian influenza to spread among would be an obvious failure to learn from our reent experience. By prioritising open and collaborative data sharing, we can strengthen global preparedness and response efforts against future health threats.

stimmt. Vielen ist es nicht bewusst dass mit Werbung und Geld verdienen will. Mit Chrome wird sowas verstrkt. Das zeigt ganz klar wo die Richtung hingehen. Meine Meinung dazu. Wer und die Derivate nutzt bentigt kein . Und sich beschweren schon gar nicht. Alternative Ja nmlich

Und ein schner Nebeneffekt: damit wird ein Gegengewicht zu Chrome geschafft.

So einfach ist das.

Reading: "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again

Last week, Google backtracked on its long-standing promise to block third-party cookies in Chrome. This is bad for your privacy and good for Google's business.

To allow minor version updates in I settled with removing the hold and instead created a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d/ that has:

Package: firefox-esr
Pin: version 115.*
Pin-Priority: 1001

Now just hoping will remove all ad and in next versions of

: Eine kurze Zwischenbilanz nach einer Woche Nutzung. Gleich vorweg: Ich bin enttuscht.

Our first lecture of the day at the behavior is talking about using to study .

: even if does *not* appear to be a regular URL-shortening service, nothing in it's domain name convinces me it's not. Perhaps they're offering *you* a free service that *visitors* pay for with a loss of privacy.

I do not want to, and simply cannot (I apologize for my intelligence not being artificial) remember all possible aliases of - in order to prevent from being fooled or phished.

Why is this not as stupid as Microsoft ( asking their customers to log in to:

instead of somehing like:


Mastodon has its own, IMO excellent built-in URL-shortening system for the final link you asked us to visit:


In fact, the full link to that article is automatically shortened by Mastodon fine too:


I juste posted additional reasons in a toot to Margarita Estvez-Abe in .

Let's all do our best to make the internet a safer place!

: I have a request to you: please refrain from using URL-shorteners on Mastodon.

Note: this is not intended as criticism, but purely educational.

It is none of their (the owners of URL-shorteners) business who and when clicks on a specific link.

Most internet users can't even guess how personal-data-hungry entities on the internet are, collecting as much as possible information about them, selling (or inadvertently leaking) that infornation for profit.

As a matter of fact, Mastodon excellently shortens long URLs in such a way that the most relevant information of each URL is visible in toots. So there is no reason whatsoever to use commercial third party shorteners (other than to make a third party wiser and richer).

Edited to add at 16:26 UTC: In fact, here's the URL that you were indirectly referring to:

When using touch screens, pressing a bit longer on them reveals the full URL. When using a mouse, right-clicking provides such information.

ADDITIONAL REASONS: apart from the privacy issues mentioned, there are some relevant security concerns when using third pary URL shorteners (such as,, etc.), including:

1) By looking at third-party shortened URL, the internet user won't know in advance to which website (identified by their domain name) their browser will be redirected (by the shortener service). If they trust *you*, they may forget to inspect the domain name (in the address bar of their browser) where their browser ends up. If your Mastodon account gets hacked, and an impostor toots third-party-shortened links to malicious websites on your behalf, you may feel sorry that you ever used them.

2) Even if an owner of a URL-shortener won't forward the visiting user's browser to a malicious website TODAY, they may change their mind TOMORROW. Or they may sell their business to less ethical people.

3) Sometimes URL-shortening services just stop functioning, or their disk may crash without having a decent backup. Links will go dead.

Note: sometimes proponents or owners bomb us with texts such as "if you add <whatever> to the link, it'll tell you where you're heading". It is absurd to ask people to jump through all kinds of hoops - just because a third party wants to steal your data.

Wie bereits bei der Fuball-Europameisterschaft, so nun auch bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen in Paris: Diese Veranstaltungen kann man kaum noch besuchen, ohne durch eine Smartphone-App berwacht zu werden. Das ist alarmierend und ein massiver Eingriff in die Privatsphre der Besucher. Im Moment hilft nur Boykott - der Gesetzgeber befindet sich (mal wieder) im Dornrschenschlaf.

Die Ursachen fr schlechten Schlaf sind vielfltig. Ein ganzer Zoo an digitalen Helfern soll daher unseren Schlaf tracken. Was knnen Wearables, Nearables und Airables

Den ganzen Artikel findet ihr hier:

Epic-Chef Sweeney findet Apples "Wo ist"-Tracking "super creepy"

Tim Sweeney, CEO des "Fortnite"-Herstellers Epic, hat Bedenken gegen Apples Findesystem. Das hatte einen geklauten Rechner von ihm entdeckt und sei "gruselig".

A while ago I started blocking app trackers in the DuckDuckGo mobile app. The sheer volume of blocked attempts today alone was genuinely astounding. Here's just a small sampling....

All this happening in the background, too.

I have so many questions. The REI app, for example...what is Adobe doing there And a shady company called Urban Airship! What the hell is this garbage

Just presented our latest analysis on HTTP Client Hint usage on the Web at in Vienna, Austria. Was honored to open the conference as the first speaker.

Some popular browsers use HTTP CHs to "enhance" privacy, but trackers also misuse them to gather more information about you. The audience seemed to be interested in that topic and asked some insightful questions.


Wer sich der nicht ganz schutzlos aussetzen mchte, fr den haben wir bei auch ein paar Tipps und Tricks hier zusammengestellt.

Weniger , mehr

The W3C has slammed Google for continuing to support third-party cookies in Chrome, even though the privacy-invading tracking technology is not good for the Web and can harm users.

Apple hat ja so ein --Dingens in Mnzgre, um Bewegungen festzustellen. Ihr wisst schon, was ich meine.

Gibt es eigentlich auch so etwas fr Ich bruchte schnellstens so ein Teil. Mglichst in Mnzenform, die ich an ihren Schlssel hngen kann.

Traditional tracking techniques, contemporary technology, and a healthy dose of skepticism and discussion among scientists are all used in the science of Bigfoot tracking.


Senators Expose Companies Terrible Data Practices

H Wer auer vielleicht EntwicklerInnen von Zeugs wollen das vielleicht mal zum Selbertesten ausprobieren

Auf kann man das per ganz einfach und sehr nachhaltig in den Einstellungen (Datenschutz und Sicherheit) unterbinden:

Die DVD verffentlicht heute ein "Zwischenspiel" des Blogs "Menschen-Daten-Sensationen..." ().
Sehr interessant: Punkt 5.1 zu den Ttigkeitsberichten der Datenschutzaufsichten. Neben dem Angebot der Stiftung () gibt es noch eine weitere Webseite. Frank Spaeing kommentiert: "Wie so oft erkaufen Sie hier zustzlichen Service durch und Einsatz nicht-europischer Dienstleister".

Third-party cookies have got to go The W3C TAG is worried about Googles recent decision

: " have got to go. They enable , which involves your activity across ."

Norwegian Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum has proposed a global tax on personal data, inspired by Norways resource rent tax model.

Your personal data is not a resource to be misused but a critical asset that must be protected. Taxing the usage (or misusage) of personal data won't address the real issue: the unchecked power of Big Tech.

By taxing the utilization of personal data for economic gain, politicians send the message that the way Big Tech exploits personal data is deemed acceptable. Its time for meaningful action to safeguard our digital rights.

Regulation must come before taxation. Read our take on the Norwegian Minister of Finances proposal

Added ihr die Tracking Query Strings jetzt immer als Baukasten, fr die welche die lieber weglassen, und die euch gerne mitteilen, dass sie von Mastodon kommen

"Ich habe doch nichts zu verbergen" ... Eine Recherche von und dem Bayerischen Rundfunk enthllt, wie leicht Bewegungsdaten von Millionen Mobiltelefonen erworben und ausgewertet werden knnen. Haben wir wirklich alle nichts zu verbergen

"TikTok Harvested Users Views on Abortion, Guns and God: DOJ"

"The Justice Department revealed its findings in a court battle with TikToks parent company ByteDance."

Klingt schon fast wie Satire, ist aber echt.

Die Medien sollten wirklich mal aufhren, technische Trackingmanahmen in all ihren Facetten als Werbung zu bezeichnen. Dieser, fr Spionage gewhlte Euphemismus, ist nicht wirklich nicht angebracht.

My bad, I meant to write . In all fairness, MS does not seem to claim that the VPN can protect against hacking.

Microsoft Edge's new built-in VPN apparently offers to "Protect against online tracking" while "You will be signed in, which will back up your browsing data".

As I'm getting older, I'm also getting more confused about some aspects of tech I thought I knew.

What do you think

Is Microsoft's new VPN offering something you would use

My pi-hole serves me well, even on Android when I'm on the road, through auto-switching VPN. Nothing else required.

"Automakers Sold Driver Data for Pennies, Senators Say"

"Ron Wyden and Edward Markey urged the F.T.C. to investigate how car companies handled the data from millions of car owners."

Sold Data for Pennies, Senators Say

Sen. Ron , above, and Sen. Edward J. sent a letter on Friday to Lina Khan, the head of the Federal Trade Commission.

is an impressive project! A few minor adjustments could help to make the program run even more smoothly. I'm counting on you, because I'm planning an article on RethinkDNS in the fall.

Under Surveillance
How Location Data Jeopardizes German Security

Bekannte vergleicht Internet, soziale Netzwerke, , mit dem Stromnetz "Am Anfang wurde es verteufelt, heute benutzen wir es ganz normal". Richtig. Das Stromnetz hat viele Todesopfer gefordert, bis es Schutzeinrichtungen gab. Der Umgang damit ist immer noch gefhrlich. Auf Kosten der Verbraucher*innen wird unfair damit gehandelt, Gier fhrt nachhaltig zum Schaden fr Gesellschaft und Umwelt. Es ist ein immerwhrendes Tauziehen um Rechte und Schutz.

"At the Olympics, AI Is Watching You"

"A controversial new surveillance system in Paris foreshadows a future where there are too many CCTV cameras for humans to physically watch."

WebXray, developed by former Google engineer Tim Libert, identifies online privacy violations. It empowers users to find illicit data collection and tracking.
