Track the members of your group.  

Standortdaten: Tracking-Firma will Milliarden Handys berwachen

Standortdaten: Tracking-Firma will Milliarden Handys berwachen knnen

Track your Group

Zu den erfassten Daten gehren laut 404 Media etwa die Hobbys und Interessen von Zielpersonen, wo sie wohnen und arbeiten, hufig besuchte Orte und enge Kontakte, also mit welchen Menschen sie hufig am selben Ort sind. Oft stimmen Nutzer*innen der Weitergabe ihrer Daten selbst zu, wenn sie nach dem ersten Start einer App im passenden Pop-up-Fenster auf Akzeptieren tippen.


-Firma will Milliarden Handys berwachen knnen.

Recherchen von 404 Media zeigen auf, wie sich der weltweite Datenhandel der Werbeindustrie zur einsetzen lsst. Ein kommerzielles Werkzeug soll die und engsten Kontakte von Zielpersonen verraten und auf Wunsch sogar ihre Handys hacken knnen. Zur anvisierten Zielgruppe gehren . ...

Qyseas Underwater Camera Robots Can Now Track and Follow Divers

If you really dont want your Android phone to be tracking any of your movements and activities, there is a way to turn tracking off for all (well, most) of them.

Update Reveals Will Read All Your
Googles AI will read and your private messages, going back forever. Bard isnt a with a friend. Its a sitting across the worlds most powerful and valuable and machine.

Nutzt du Google Analytics fr personalisierte Werbung Dann musst du ab Mrz 2024 den neuen Einwilligungsmodus einsetzen und drei statt zwei Einwilligungen einholen . Es gibt mit dem cookie-losen Tracking zwar scheinbar einen Vorteil, der ist in der EU aber praktisch wertlos.

In meinem Beitrag erlutere daher ich die rechtlichen Fallstricke und mgliche Lsungen:

Worrying about whether your bag is getting to the right location might just be a little less traumatic with a new feature.

The company that runs the complex where we are now uses this to set *every day*.

I've been the daily advertised price for a while now and the variations of the price *for the same unit* from day to day should be illegal. Example: Over the course of just four days, I tracked rent prices of three-bedroom units go down $310 on a Saturday and go up $205 the following Tuesday. How does that happen

"How Surveillance Is Changing Our Most Intimate Relationships"

"Its not just Big Brother watching you. Your employer, your partner, your neighbors, and the brands you buy are increasingly watching your every moveeven deputizing one another in this surveillance game."

I wrote about this from another angle in a sleepy blog post last year:

"Society Is Not Free"

"Hundreds of thousands of ordinary apps, including popular ones such as 9gag, Kik, and a series of caller ID apps, are part of a global surveillance capability that starts with ads inside each app, and ends with the apps users being swept up into a powerful mass monitoring tool advertised to national security agencies that can track the physical location, hobbies, and family members of people to build billions of profiles"

uerst bedenklich. Nicht nur fr Google-Nutzer selbst, sondern auch fr alle, die mit ihnen in Kontakt stehen. Das Motto von Google ist klar: Be as evil as possible, then monetize it!

"Google Update Reveals AI Will Read All Your Private Messages"

Googles Bard isnt your friendly AI assistant. Its a search UI connected to the worlds biggest advertising and tracking platform.

As much as Im concerned about the privacy, Im equally worried about the quality of the personalized search results. How much the shift to directed search will be just a fancy form of serving tailored and harder to distinguish ads

What's every time you click a link to another site ()/ That's why I'd recommend deleting the question mark and everything after it if you re-share a link from Facebookor anywhere else!

Google's plans to deprecate third-party cookies are underway, but online tracking is here to stay as the search giant tightens its stranglehold on browsing data

For new , here's an article from with tips on your working . It was written for and , but the information can help you if you in other arenas.

"Black Boxes: How Police Undermined the Promise of Body Cameras"

"Body-worn cameras were supposed to deliver a revolution in transparency and accountability to policing. But in cities across America, the revolution never arrived."


One of the first signatories of the open letter to the German Rectors Conference ( ) is Nicole Wolf (), an independent consultant for sustainable digitalization strategies for organizations and companies as well as for sustainable online platforms. Nicole has also been a volunteer for and the common good in the digital of society for many years, including until recently on the board of the cooperative eG. (). She says:

"In particular, institutions should address the problems associated with social media and promote digital literacy as well as digital maturity. This also includes the use and provision of independent infrastructures, beyond market power, economy and AdTech, combined with of users."

for are advisable to prevent , and access to the device's These work by all signals, including and thereby providing continuous data and digital 125. (1/5)

The Copy Link Without Site-Tracking feature in doesnt work with from itself.

Is that a bug or a feature

How does Private Relay work

You can search and find a few articles (mostly high level) or read directly from this Apple paper

p.s: yes, it's supposed to work with custom like and so if something doesn't work as expected, don't blame Apple first, but open a bug with these services.

is an interesting read.

it's a long time since i've a considered and informative justification for a request for my email address

I haven't yet provided it, but i am properly considering doing so, with some wariness.

thoughts and perspectives on this gratefully received.

# scraping

"You'll never guess who just got caught doing mass surveillance. Without warrants. And is pretending it's no big deal. Again."

US spy agencies secretly paid Big Tech for Americans' phone location data, dodging warrants. This "pay-to-track" scheme bypasses courts, sparking privacy fears.

Polar bear tracks. Photographer unknown.

To block apps from sharing information with third-party tracking services in Android, a simple non-root option is the privacy browser. It has an App Tracking Protection feature that you can activate even if you don't use DuckDuckGo as your default web browser.

Reading its report about third-party services blocked can be eye-opening, if you weren't previously aware of how much apps help these services spy on you.

migrate to on a and enjoy lightning fast OS updates for whilst using an excellent piece of mobile hardware without

"The future of biometrics in a zero trust world"

"Badge operates on a cryptographically zero-knowledge basis, not trusting any party with sensitive data, and offers quantum resistance for future-proof security."

"Phones Track Everything but Their Role in Car Wrecks"


"Distracted driving is a worsening problem, safety experts say. Yet there is still no definitive database of the number of crashes or fatalities caused by it."

"The Pentagon Tried to Hide That It Bought Americans' Data Without a Warrant"

"US spy agencies purchased Americans' phone location data and internet metadata without a warrant but only admitted it after a US senator blocked the appointment of a new NSA director."

Well this is neat. When did add this Is it new, or did I just not notice before

(Boost for awareness.)

It is possible to export your entire written works from and .

One thing of note, however. If you have images in your articles, the links to those images are still going to point to servers controlled by Medium or Substack.

In my view, this is a breach in privacy. Both platform can track your usage of the data that you exported.

I'll note that there is no technical limitation that forces this. That's a decision that they both made.

Zeit, sich mal wieder nach einer neuen Suchmaschine umzusehen.

Hat jemand einen Tipp fr mich, welche Suchmaschine man sinnvollerweise nehmen kann, die man und ohne benutzen kann

yeah exactly. I'm trying to suss out why the quarterly growth is not there any more, since that could be a measure of my own work, e.g. on and exposing and

ein solches Verhalten ist eines ministeriums unwrdig, imho WER trifft denn dort die Entscheidungen

die bespielen ALLE .. aber KEINE ohne

Die umfassende berwachungsmaschinerie, die fr digitale Werbung entwickelt wurde, ermglicht nun direkt die Massenberwachung durch den Staat 1 Zitat von .

Daher: Ein Tracking- und Werbeblocker gehrt auf jedem Smartphone/PC/Netzwerk zur Grundausstattung! 2


Datenschutz-Albtraum: iPhone-Apps sammeln heimlich Daten

And look what just dropped! As I often say, likes to look the other way when app vendors track users...

La publicit sur Radio France - podcasts, direct et appli

Each User is Monitored by Thousands of Companies
On average, each participant in the had their sent to Facebook by 2,230 companies.
... the study was able to examine a form of that is normally hidden: so-called "server-to-server" tracking

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