OpenStreetMap supports mapping surveillance cameras.
Cameras can be identified by location and type, the area being observed can be disclosed.
Surveillance under Surveillance/ is an OpenStreetMap instance focused on surveillance cameras, it uses data that is not visualized on the instance.
So, wants to share tracking data with hundreds (literally maybe thousands) of partners Wow... I can't even opt out of a lot of this!
Clear that something's wrong with the way they're doing things.
Makes me think of
3 years ago, a was placed on all of 's 78 & their 3,400 , them from adding . It still hasn't been lifted.
In terms, a capability is any skill set or type of training that allows SAR members to respond to specific types of situations or incidents. That includes , swift-water operations, flat-ice , winter responses, & .
Whether you are a professional who is aware of the need for privacy or a prepper, our backpack is the ideal solution for you. With quick access to secured sections with no need to roll or use velcros, it will always secure your digital devices.
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Schon erstaunlich was so an Anfragen durch Apps auf meinem Smartphone wegblockt.
Dabei liegt das mit abgeschaltetem Display neben mir
You're not paranoid. It's real.
"'Eyes Everywhere': Congress Is About to Vote to Expand Mass Surveillance of Americans"
Any entity that you visit as a customer, that provides Wi-Fi service, could be required to let the government tap into its equipment, and pull out entire streams of communications.
"Congress Clashes Over the Future of Americas Global Spy Program"
"Competing bills moving through the House of Representatives both reauthorize Section 702 surveillancebut they pave very different paths forward for Americans privacy and civil liberties."
Bin einigermaen genervt, dass ich bei trotz Digitalabo fr weniger Tracking nochmal extra zahlen soll.
Spiegel, Sddeutsche und FR zeigen mir ohne Tracking nicht mal, was die Abos kosten.
Das ist schon traurig.
TrackingSicher surfen ohne und
Beim sind wir nie allein. Unzhlige Tracker schauen uns permanent ber die Schulter. Hier erfahren Sie was Tracking ist und wie Sie es unterbinden. ...
Jira is a popular project management tool developed by Atlassian. It includes time tracking features that allow users to monitor and manage the time spent on various tasks within a project.
Wollte da der kleine Flieger einen Penis in den Himmel malen
(Ziemlich seltsame Flugroute)
Put aside the whole issue of for a moment...
The site can either explain what they're doing in an easy-to-understand way, or not. I think the fact that they made a kid-friendly video about it is great. Now that many more kids/parents have an awareness of this (whether or not they agree with it) than otherwise would have. More awareness of privacy-related issues can only be a good thing IMO.
Big Brother is watching you - now also via Google's & Apple's push.
That's why we don't use Google Push. When using Tuta, Google sees nothing!
Zero tracking
Fully encrypted
Maximum privacy
The data they don't get, they can't hand out to authorities! Go secure now:
Here's more info on why we don't use Google Push and do not send any info via Apple notifications:
Moin Mike, du hast dich ausgiebig mit durch die App beschftigt. Vielen herzlichen Dank erstmal dafr!
Es gibt ja (mindestens) eine weitere App des gleichen Herstellers ( ): den vom (Verkehrsverbund /Niedersachsen).
Hast du zufllig schon mal geschaut, ob der genauso viel trackt oder ob HaCon auch anders kann Falls du die Toolchain noch stehen hast, wre ich dir sehr dankbar fr einen kurzen Test!
Urteil Oberlandesgericht Kln: unzulssige (Edit: vorher Tippfehler unzhlige) Datenbermittlung an Google durch die Telekom, unzureichende Cookie-Banner usw. Zusammenfassung von :
Noch mehr Grnde, auf jegliches Tracking und auf Cookie-Banner zu verzichten, denn wie es richtig geht wei eh keiner.
Discovered today that the online human resources portal of a university that shall remain unnamed has, at some point, become riddled with trackers. It's so bad that my web browser's ad blocker refused to load the portal at all unless I explicitly consented to allow the trackers, and once I was on the portal, none of its features would work until I disabled the ad blocker completely. I use this portal semi-regularly and this is the first time I've encountered this problem, so it seems like it might be a recent change.Para controlar el tracking es mis dispositivos android estaba utilizando
Excelente aplicacin. Pero hoy he instalado la app the y me ha detectado una app semioculta de Samsung (upday) que haca todo tipo de tracking. Desactivada.
Was macht ihr denn, in solchen Fllen Auf die Information verzichten oder allem blind zustimmen Es gibt bei dem Beispiel oben brigens wirklich keine Weitere Info zum Content, zu dem ich aber ber einen Newsletter gelangte, weil es mich interssiert.
before quitting WhatsApp altogether, I used it in the browser in a dedicated Linux virtual machine that I didnt use for anything else. But I assume you still want to have it on your phone
Anyone know a more private way of using whatsapp.
The default whatsapp has inbuilt trackers and requires a lot of permissions. (google analytics)
Any way to run maybe whatsapp web in the browser (maybe using tampermonkey)
Nutzt jemand die Simple Mobile Tools auf dem Androidphone (Simple Calendar, simple Gallery etc.) Dann aufgepasst:
"Simple Mobile Tools ... is in the process of being bought by a company that is known for buying apps and monetizing them by adding Ads and Tracking. While the apps future is incertain at this time, the F-Droid team disabled auto-updates until theres a clear picture of how the apps will go on forward."
"Saying I have nothing to hide means you stop caring about anyone fighting for their freedom. And one day, you might be one of them."
A great read from about commercial & state mass surveillance and the consequences.
This is amazing: A top-down, independent, and multi-source (352 M assets!) synthesized dataset of the major carbon bombs worldwide -> comes in an awesome website, where you can search for regions, sectors, greenhouse gas types, and much more:
- Ihr habt echt nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank.
Eine simple webseite, 43 tracker.
Ohne adblocker 15,47MB (!) geladen fr ca 1500 Zeichen Text und ein Bild (10kb).
1500 Zeichen txt ca 1.5kB, bisschen Html, ok.
15,47MB ich glaub ihr habt den Knall nicht gehrt. (mit uBlock origin sind es brigens 6.5MB)
Mit allen "Verschnerungen" sind wenigstens 14MB vllig unntiger dreck.
(Script fr den "Test" ist noch nicht gestartet)
Designed for professionals on the move, our backpack combines all the essential features you need with an added layer of protection. From spacious compartments to ergonomic design, it's the perfect companion for your everyday adventures.
Email is the world's most common digital means of communication, but the almost ancient technology does not make it easy for those who care about their privacy. Protect yourself from email tracking.
/ your device after reading:
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Interessanter Beitrag von So etwas in der Richtung hatte ich bereits geahnt - und ist einer der Grnde, weshalb mein Gert googlefrei ist. Aber lest selbst.
"Push-Dienste: Behrden fragen Apple und Google nach Nutzern von Messenger-Apps"
"Google, Apple secretly helped governments monitor app activity, senator finds"
"In a letter demanding that the Department of Justice update or repeal policies prohibiting companies from informing the public about these covert government requests, Wyden warned that 'Apple and Google are in a unique position to facilitate government surveillance of how users are using particular apps.'"
Ist euer auch gerade voll mit und :em Dreck, obwohl Ihr nicht mal angemeldet seid und und Manahmen gegen einsetzt und mainly Musikvideos, Tutorials oder mal Dokus schaut
berlege langsam diese Plattform zu canceln.
& handeln maximal verantwortungslos, finde ich.
- Beschwerde gegen Meta wegen Wechsels zu Pay or Okay.
hat erneut eine gegen bei der sterreichischen eingereicht. Europische Nutzer:innen werden mittlerweile vor die Wahl gestellt, entweder dem fr personalisierte Werbung zuzustimmen oder bis zu 251,88 pro Jahr fr ihr auf auf und zu bezahlen.
When I think about online I see it as looking for people's to exploit. Exactly the same thing cybercriminals do to break into systems. And when cybercriminals do it nobody has a doubt it is crime. But for some reasons doing the same thing with minds and emotions is perfectly legal.
Current is designed like one big con, with attempts to trick people into clicking things they might not want themselves.
When I hear about programs to help elderly people with going online I have mixed feeling because od this. Because the internet is mostly made of the same things we want to protect them from. And advertisers aren't much better than scammers calling elderly people and inviting them to presentations with overpriced pots sales.
Yeah, I do nowadays only buy "" printers like some when due to isn't an issue.
Cuz that & under snitching on her got in jail...
Whereas those Xerox printers do just work as / servers and can be setup to print (& scan to &) from eMail, SMB shares and USB flashdrives by just shoving some PDFs on them...
Withings: Neue Scanwatch jetzt auch im Taucher-Look
Auf "Horizon" folgt "Nova": Nach der Scanwatch verpasst Withings auch seiner sportlichen Smartwatch im Taucher-Look ein kleines Update.
The Internet Enabled Mass Surveillance. AI Will Enable Mass Spying. Privacy has sadly always been an read 4 people, who think the world doesn't know what you do in 2023..
A friend just said this: In the ... engagement economy, responses are monetized: (...) In a few months, AI trolls will be up and running rage farming will become fully automated social media will become a shit show on a scale which noone could ever have imagined. Thank you, human nature, once again for so degrading a technology that had so much potential for improving people's lives.
Secure. Stylish. Simplified. The new standard of travel with the Factor X Backpack is on the way. Visit us and subscribe to be updated and experience the ultimate in digital privacy!
today introduced a new feature to the Air Canada to enable customers traveling within Canada to track the progress of their and in real time at key points as it moves with them throughout their journey. The new feature is designed to provide with added confidence and improve the overall customer experience through greater convenience.