Track the members of your group.  

More internet and digital coming from

More internet and digital coming from .

Tracking Ach so, bei TA-Media kann man mit Firefox nicht mehr einloggen, weil Firefox drei Scripts von blockiert. Das wird einen Grund dafr geben.

I'm too young (Internet-wise) to have used but same here: always used and .

Tried Epiphany for a while, and use lynx regularly, but no for me.

Chrome is a and platform, which presents itself as a browser. No, thanks.

"UKs ICO Labels Google Irresponsible For Tracking Change"

"Alphabets Google is at the centre of another privacy row, after the UK data protection watchdog stepped in over a policy change for tracking users across different websites and platforms."

Gestern hatten wir viel Spa bei unserer ersten Veranstaltung. Wir waren von einer Gemeinschaft gefragt worden, ob wir einen ber und anbieten knnen, der auch Menschen mitnimmt, die IT nur nutzen. Wir hatten 3 Stunden Zeit. Und bei Interesse sollte es eine praktische Vertiefung im Februar geben. Im Februar machen wir nun alles von " auf dem Handy vermindern" bis " auf dem Rechner installieren, der im Oktober weg msste, weil er kein Windows 11 kann".

Back in 2019, Google stated that fingerprinting subverts user choice and is wrong. Next year, all that goes out the window, just like Google this year backtracked on removing support for third-party cookies.

But Google did keep one promise! They removed support for content blockers like uBlock Origin.

I tried this with Focus, and

Quant browser was the worst, it offered no protection at all. DuckDuckGo had strong protection against , but it had a unique fingerprint. Both are Chrome based, so this isn't really surprising

was like DuckDuckGo, strong protection against tracking, but none against fingerprints. In other words, isn't limited to the Chrome world, Firefox has no safeguards against it either

New AA-powered case promises 10-year lifespan

There is a persistent bug in
package that means something will show as arriving today despite still being in transit and not yet prepped for or out for delivery.

20 December 2024 by
And it will show that until 9pm and then suddenly it will update and say tomorrow

Forget , Google starts all your devices in 8 weeks

When you play with a Googles device you have to always keep in mind that is mostly an company.

Kann man machen. Ich blockiere auch ber listen, aber Global verbiete ich (fast) alles. Es gibt verschiedene Anstze.

Der Mehrwert liegt darin, dass Tracking- und Schad-Domains von Anfang an zuverlssig blockiert werden, wodurch nichts bersehen wird. Zustzlich knnen individuelle Freigaben komfortabel ber den verwaltet werden.

Ja tue ich. Insbesondere globale Tracking-Domains stehen im Fokus. Bei Bedarf aktiviere ich diese individuell.

Forget Starts All Your In 8 Weeks

Forget Google Starts Tracking All Your Devices In 8 Weeks

With Googles last tracking u-turn fresh in the mind, here comes another one. Not only have won a stay of execution, it now looks like digital 'ing is back as well. But as one regulator has pointed out, itself has said that this type of subverts user choice and is wrong And yet here we arewrong or not. We think this change is irresponsible, the regulator warns

Das neue europische Zahlungssystem wirkt uerst vertrauenerweckend . Eine Plattform, die Transparenz auf hchstem Niveau bietet hier wird in jeder Hinsicht grogeschrieben. Die Seite lsst sich nicht normal bedienen.

Here we go again...

Forget ChromeGoogle Starts Tracking All Your Devices In 8 Weeks

Dass man fr so scammy Programme auch noch Werbung macht. Kein Wunder, wenn Menschen auf "Achtung Virus, bitte hier klicken" reinfallen
So komplex, wie der QR Code ist, sind das bestimmt gleich noch Parameter drin. Da brauch' mensch seine E-Mail gar nicht erst dort eingeben, damit die wissen, in welchem Geschft mensch war

ist nie "Erforderlich" und alles was erforderlich sein kann bedarf keiner Zustimmung (also & -Cookies!)...

Sigh. I ordered parts from Overall, they've been great! I go to track my packages today and notice that they've shipped by USPS Priority Mail. Again, fine....


...The tracking link that they provide goes to as a passthrough with the same tracking number to USPS. My PiHole, and uBlock Origin and PrivacyBadger plugins were very not happy with me for clicking on that.

I was able to go to USPS directly in the meantime with the tracking info to track my package. This is the expected behavior when clicking a "track package" link.

Gotta love those everyday inconveniences that web browsing and commerce hands you. The web nowadays seems downright hostile to what you as a user actually want to do to experience it.

In other words, it is time for my nap, so get off my lawn, etc. etc.

A major reason for these latter two initiatives--the gardens and the soup kitchen for TB patients--is to help preserve the first, i.e. the art and skill of . Tracking is having a moment right now the science writer Ben Goldfarb just published an article in Smithsonian magazine about it, and there have been recent articles in scientific journals as well. All of those that I have read and the interest they are engendering would not exist without the efforts of the Ju/'hoansi we visited.

Was bedeutet es, wenn in einem Cookiebanner in der Partnerliste manche Partner mit "nicht IAB" gekennzeichnet sind Die Erklrung "auerhalb des IAB TCF Frameworks" hilft mir tatschlich nicht viel. Also, klar kann ich nachlesen, was das IAB TCF Framework ist. Aber was bedeutet es dann, wenn irgendwas auerhalb davon ist

J'aime bien l'appli

C'est vraiment une approche original de l'emploi du temps.

schon wieder ohne Vorwarnung bei ( ausgeschlossen worden.
Mich bedrngt das Gefhl, dass Adevinta (Konzern hinter einfach keinen Bock auf Leute hat, die sich dem gnzlich versuchen zu verweigern.. (, extra -Profil)

soll an meiner mailadresse liegen. so lcherlich, halt ne eigene de-domain.

Ey, der online will mich wieder zwingen, den auszustellen

Keine Website der Welt ist das wert! Lasst euch nicht verarschen, bitte!

firm spilling names of thousands of customers TechCrunch

A researcher alerted TechCrunch in late November to customer names and affiliations such as the name of their workplace spilling from one of Hapns servers, which TechCrunch has seen.

Lost luggage: Air New Zealand boosts bag tracking today

iPhone-Hack: Standort mit Klopfen ausschalten

Coming up in 2025: Effortless avateering with

, planen, teilen - Vertraulich online zusammenarbeiten

Wenn man zusammenarbeiten mchte, obwohl man nicht im selben Raum sitzt, sind kollaborative Onlinetools das Mittel der Wahl. Besser kein Standardwerkzeug.

Your monthly reminder to use the browser on a daily basis.

The more you use it, the better protected are people in repressive countries who want to use a free internet, journalists and researchers who want to protect themselves from discovery, whistleblowers, activists, and ordinary people who want to opt out of invasive third party tracking.

Desktop and mobile:

AirTags 2: Can be located up to 30 meters away with centimetre precision

The rumors surrounding the AirTags are becoming more concrete. Now there is new information about the range for locating them.

Das Tracking kann auch ber die URL-Leiste im Browser erfolgen. Eine sehr gute Erklrung dazu habe ich folgendes gefunden:

Remove tracking elements from URLs. This extension will automatically remove tracking elements from URLs to help protect your privacy when browse through the Internet.

TelecomWet van Mona Keijzer: toename risico big-brother-maatschappij

Valse politici grijpen graag crises aan om controversile maatregelen, vaak met een groot risico op (of ordinair voornemen van) scope creep, erdoor te drukken.

Voordat zij vanwege haar Coronastandpunten werd ontslagen, stelde (destijds staatssecretaris) Mona Keijzer eind mei 2020 voor om de telecomwet z aan te passen dat telco's van *elke* mobiele telefoon zouden gaan *registreren* waar deze zich de afgelopen 30 dagen bevond ().

In WNL op zondag van 31-5-2020 sprak zij daarover (zie ) hieronder een stukje daaruit.

Beeld je in bij het lezen dat Mona "Jodenjacht" zei in plaats van "uitbraak" en "OM" in plaats van "RIVM":

Mona Keijzer: Daar gaat het natuurlijk om, dat als er dan op een gegeven moment een uitbraak is, dat het RIVM hl snel, ... gewoon, per dag, kan terugzien welke mensen uit welke... hoeveel mensen, niet welke mensen, hoeveel mensen uit welke gemeente...

Merk op hoe zij snel haar verspreking "welke mensen" corrigeerde met een leugen (ls de GGD destijds iets zinnigs had kunnen en willen doen met telecomdata, was het de mensen bellen die waarschijnlijk op de plek van een uitbraak waren geweest en hen verzoeken thuis te blijven en/of zich te laten testen - voor zover dat laatste toen al mogelijk was).

Ook al lijkt ChatControl even van de baan, reken maar dat de huidige regering zit te broeden op allerlei maatregelen om "slecht gentegreerde", "antisemitische", Islamitische, anti-genocide, pro-nivellering, anti-fossiele-subsidies en andere potentieel deze regering onwelgevallig denkende burgers nauwkeuriger in de gaten te kunnen houden.

Maatregelen (zoals ChatControl) waarvan ons wordt voorgelogen (geen middel wordt geschuwd: ) dat de wereld er beter van wordt, terwijl de risico's verwaarloosbaar zouden zijn (m.i. geen van beide).

Laten we scherp blijven en elkaar op de hoogte houden van signalen die wijzen op aanvullende surveillancemaatregelen.

That new TV you're buying

Expect them to show you lots of on-screen ads and to phone home about what you are watching so they can send you even more targeted ads.

Durch das oft an den Haaren herbeigezogene "Berechtigte Interesse", Artikel 6 Abs. 1 der DSGVO, wurde der endgltig abgeschafft.

AirTags 2: Bis zu 30 Meter weit zentimetergenau auffindbar

Die Gerchte rund um die AirTags konkretisieren sich weiter. Jetzt gibt es neue Angaben dazu, wie es um die Reichweite fr das Auffinden stehen soll.

One of my to-dos to get ready for next year:

Is there a respecting self-hosted reader server/daemon which has clients for and , or hosts a website, and synchronizes read and bookmark state between devices

Bonus points if it runs in a mode discarding all and/or doesn't load images etc unless I click a button to further reduce

Our visit also included traveling to the home villages of some of our hosts and seeing the gardens that TTK is helping to build. Being in essence confined to a much smaller area than they historically ranged, the Ju/'Hoansi have had to pursue another way of life. Gardens were one of the things they specifically named as a priority, along with the school, under the auspices of which we were there. The third priority was a soup kitchen for patients being treated for tuberculosis.

:Google: verbessert Schutz vor heimlichem - in :android: Security

NextDNS: My favorite tool to increase privacy, security and mindfulness online

Dear Realists,

I would love to share with you a tool that has revolutionized the time I spend online.

I am being reminded of Steve Jobs unveiling of the first iPhone in 2007, when he said:

Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything. Were introducing 3 revolutionary products of this class.

Jobs teased that he would introduce a wide screen iPod with touch controls, a breakthrough internet communication device and a mobile phone. And of course his big reveal during the presentation was that these were not 3 separate devices but one: the iPhone.

Well, today I want to tell you about one revolutionary tool that can:

  1. Increase your privacy online, blocking advertisements and third party trackers
  2. Enhance security, blocking domains known to distribute malware and to launch phishing attacks
  3. And it can block at the source any website you wish to avoid visiting (because you spend too much time on it and you cant control yourself) or maybe websites/apps that you dont want your children to access.

A fantastic perk in all of this is that your online experience will be faster too because advertisements and third party trackers wont slow you down.

This all comes in one tool, called and I wouldnt dream of browsing the internet on my computer or on my phone without it.

How I discovered it: from Pi-Hole to NextDNS

It sounds weird but for years, I had been daydreaming about building a .

What is that you may ask

I will let Pi-Holes Wikipedia page do the explaining:

Pi-hole is a Linux network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking application which acts as a DNS sinkhole and optionally a DHCP server, intended for use on a private network.

In simpler terms, one could program a (a $30 credit-card sized computer that runs the operating system Linux) to run a Pi-Hole on their home network. This would allow people to block unwanted advertisements and third party trackers at the source on all the devices one uses to connect to the internet.

If your eyes are glazing over and you think this sounds a little too technical well this is precisely why I never built a Pi-Hole for my home network. I do have a Raspberry Pi but the whole process seemed too long and convoluted.

I discussed this on Twitter and my friend Pierre suggested I check out instead because it acts exactly like a Pi-Hole, but is configurable online in very quick and simple steps.

So I tried it. And became instantly smitten with it.

Introducing NextDNS

NextDNS was founded in May 2019 by two French men: Romain Cointepas and Olivier Poitrey (best known as the founder of DailyMotion, a popular European alternative to YouTube).

NextDNS markets itself as the new firewall for the modern Internet.

DNS stands for Domain Name System its an internet protocol that translates domain names into a specific IP address, so that your browser/app can load the website you want to visit. You are using a DNS right this minute to read this post. Your DNS queries are sent to your Internet Service Providers (ISP) DNS servers. And the ISP then matches your query to the corresponding IP address aka the site you want to visit.

What NextDNS does is supersede the work of your ISP. It runs its own DNS that is programmable to block any advertisements, third party trackers, and specific websites.

Ill show you what my setup looks like.

1) Security

a screenshot of NextDNSs interface showing toggles for Threat Intelligence Feeds, AI-Driven Threat Detection and Google Safe Browsing

In the Security tab, you can see all the enhancements NextDNS provides, such as:

Block domains known to distribute malware, launch phishing attacks and host command-and-control servers using a blend of the most reputable threat intelligence feeds all updated in real-time.

Block millions of threats detected by our AI technology a proprietary AI engine designed from the ground up for DNS with hundreds of signals, terabytes of training data and real-time decision making.

Prevent the unauthorized use of your devices to mine cryptocurrency.

2) Privacy

a screenshot of NextDNSs interface showing blocklists that can be enabled

Under Privacy you can select blocklists updated in real time that block ads and third party trackers. All the work has been done for you, you just have to select the blocklists you are interested in and turn them on.

3) Parental Controls

Under Parental Control you can block specific websites, apps and games that you deem harmful, or too tempting as a time suck.

The list is all encompassing: theres Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Fortnite, Twitch, Minecraft and you can block them at the simple touch of a button.

a screenshot of NextDNSs interface showing parental controls and social apps that can be blocked

Say you find the approach a little too extreme you want to allow some of these apps and websites but only for a limited amount of time each day. You can do that!

NextDNS has a feature called Recreation Time that allows you to select at what time of the day any of these restricted apps/websites are allowed:

My favorite feature: you can block bypass methods.

I may not use most social media sites but my Achilles heel is Reddit so I added it to the blocklist and this is what I see when I try to access it:

You may say: but I already use Screen Time on my iPhone or iPad. Well, where do I get started Screen Time limitations can be turned off at the touch of a button. Its too easy to bypass. NextDNS is something else

Because NextDNS is device-specific, it means that bypassing it is hard also on phones and tablets.

Say you have a teen that visits a friend and tries to connect via their friends home network to websites/apps you dont want to allow. Well, tough luck, NextDNS will keep blocking these sites because its where all internet traffic goes through whether its another persons Wifi network or 4G/5G.

Last but not least:

NextDNS is free to use for up to 300,000 queries a month. If you wish to run unlimited queries, you could buy a Pro account for 19.90 Euros a year. Their privacy policy is rock solid and you can select whether to store logs, for how long and in which country / region:

I am in no way affiliated to NextDNS. I truly truly love this service.

If anything, I hope to one day interview its founders for .

If you enjoyed this post, please share it widely.

#adBlocker #advertising #digitalLiteracy #firewall #guides #nextDNS #PiHole #privacy #security #surveillanceCapitalism #tracking #tutorials

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