Track the members of your group.  

Kritisches in Kinderberwachungs-App "Kid Security" heise

Kritisches in Kinderberwachungs-App "Kid Security" heise online

Autodiebstahl mit : Kanadische Ganoven markieren teure Autos Mac & i

Ich habe fr euch mal die Punkte auf der Webseite korrigiert. Gerne bernehmen.

Fight back against online tracking! Choose a default browser with built-in features to block trackers.

"You've run out of free articles. Keep up with the future of tech for..."
Errrm... What was this about tracking people
(and besides: I haven't been on the site in months)

Kritisches Datenleck in Kinderberwachungs-App "Kid Security"

Millionen Datenstze waren bei der Tracking-App Kid Security laut Sicherheitsforschern offen einsehbar, darunter GPS-Daten, Audioaufnahmen und private Chats.

Track your Group

Best (2024): , , , ,

Ad are out of control. Use a that reins them in.


I wrote a brief overview of tracking apps, some of which can also be used for tracking:

Ein -Troll: "Ein geklauter Masterkey hat erstmal nichts mit DSGVO zu tun, das war ein Unfall. So wie auch du deinen Haustrschlssel verlieren kannst.

Und zum Rest verweise ich auf die DSGVO-Aussagen auf der Webseite."

ich glaub ich spar mir den Rest das zu kommentieren...


"UK to Begin Nationwide Blood Test Trials for Dementia"

"The UK is set to conduct nationwide trials to evaluate the effectiveness of blood tests in diagnosing dementia."

"Data brokers are gearing up to fight privacy bills"

"Could a data collection amendment kill FISA"

I understand why people are against but what is the concern with As a developer with less and less time to focus on personal projects, I find it incredibly useful to know if I develop a feature that basically never gets used because I can just drop that feature and save myself some time when it comes to maintaining that app, so then I can spend more time on things that actually get used to make sure they're rock solid and as good as they can be

Autodiebstahl mit AirTags: Kanadische Ganoven markieren teure Autos

Bereits zuvor gab es Berichte, dass Ganoven Bluetooth-Tracker verwenden, um interessante Klaukandidaten zu finden. In Montreal kam es nun zu mehreren Fllen.

Also, ich finde Datenschutzrecht ja schon spannend und mein Job macht mir auch Spa.
Aber dieser ganze - Kladeradatsch... ich sag mal so, ich knnte auch ohne leben

Chess Dynamics to Provide Surveillance Systems for Australia's Hunter Class Frigates

Chess Dynamics to Provide Surveillance Systems for Australia's Hunter Class Frigates

Firefox's "Copy Link Without Site Tracking" is great. It should probably be the default behavior, and replaced with a "Copy Link With Site Tracking" function instead

But, it does miss the target sometimes, like here:


That's still "Site Tracking", in my book.

Feds Finally Decide To Do Something About Years-Old Holes In Networks - Slashdot

SS7, which was developed in the mid-1970s, can be potentially abused to track people's phones' locations redirect calls and text messages so that info can be intercepted and spy on users.

Why does Mozilla default to allowing websites to use persistent storage, and thus consume gigabytes of disk space when few websites actually have legitimate reasons to use the StorageManager Isn't that both an invitation to fill my disk and a / pitfall

Seems like there's no UI to facilitate selectively cleaning this stuff, i.e. nuking the local storage for all websites "except these few websites" (and without touching cookies), nor do I see a way to require opt-in.

und der bzw. das . Es geht um das sammeln von Browserverlufen im groen Stil.
berraschung N. Man darf gespannt sein ob es zur Klage kommt. Mal wieder.

When it comes to users, the focus is often on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.

The European data protection group noyb filed a complaint against / last year for violating the :

As determined by noyb, the company collects sensitive data such as political views and religious beliefs by monitoring clicks, likes and responses to posts on its own platform.
Felix Mikolasch, data protection lawyer at noyb: After we filed our first complaint in this matter, the EU Commission has already confirmed to stop advertising on X. However, to put an end to this in general, we need enforcement against X as a platform used by many others.

In our petition

we pointed out the problems with the major platforms and thus recommend the use of services at .

En dan hebben ze nog niet eens gekeken naar de mogelijkheden om je toestemming weer in te trekken. Dit zou net zo makkelijk moeten zijn als toestemming geven, maar kan vrijwel nooit.

Wer ist Stefan Latuski CTO der Bundesagentur fr Arbeit. Der der unbedingt MS Teams in der Arbeitsagentur einfhren will

Wenn man nach ihm sucht, findet man nur sowas:

Worte wie amerikanische Hyperscaler, Teams, "bses Schrems II-Urteil" drfen dabei nicht fehlen.

(+ an alle nichtgenannten die ebenfalls nutzen)

Es ist absolut unverantwortlich, dass ihr Daten an ausliefert.

experimenteert met onfeilbare / vermomt als feature. Nee dank je!

Cookie Policy (EU)

iOS 17.5 to introduce new system to disable unwanted tracking accessories

There are so many things I am enjoying about Nicola Griffiths , and tops among them is the role that in its broadest sensereading the landscape, the movement of birds and mammals, the seasonality of plantsplays in the story. That deep knowledge born of consistent observation and understanding of patterns is something I aspire to.

I've finished the Internet already and now I'm doing it again on 'Hard Mode' (not being tracked).

has agreed to delete billions of data records collected from 136 million users in the , as part of a lawsuit settlement regarding alleged undisclosed The plaintiffs accused Google of users and logging their activity even when they were using Chrome's <ode, which they were made to believe was offering protection from such .

Google accetta di cancellare miliardi di file con dati personali raccolti dal browser Chrome

starts down the dangerous road of ads this week

Mit und verhindern.

Seit 2020 setze ich einen zentralen fr alle meine "smarten" Gerte ein. Hier ist mein kleiner Erfahrungsbericht. ...

to Delete Billions of Browser Records in Latest Settlement

Google said it would stop using technology that detects when users enable private browsing, so it can no longer track peoples choice to use mode.

users: if your targeted ads have ceased to relate to your porn searches... That's why.

Google to delete records from Incognito tracking - BBC News

David Boies settlement results in pledge to web data collected since 2016 from users of bogus "" mode of

This has got to be one of the sneakiest ways to implement a Continue without agreeing button.

wieder mal eine alternative Web-Suchmaschiene gefunden aber noch nicht ausfhrlich getestet:

Die Versprechen von Torry ist jedenfalls deren Anonymitt, nicht sammeln von Daten, so wie anonym ber Tor nutzbar. Es sind jedenfalls vier zustzlich JavaScript's bei der Suche eingebunden obwohl es die Freiheit vom Tracking verspricht. Was ich sonst noch ausser dem empfehle seht ihr in den Posts oben.

Executor Duties