Track the members of your group.  

Kann jemand etwas zum sagen, der

Kann jemand etwas zum sagen, der fr iPhone und ipad verfgbar ist, auf das Webkit von aufbaut und der wohl auch und Erweiterungen akzeptiert Wei jemand wie es mit und aussieht oder ist es die selbe Mogelpackung wie bei , wo die gesamten Suchanfragen der Nutzer:innen an weitergegeben werden, zumindest wenn man deren Apps benutzt.



Soot and soda. The finer soot settles out of the air last over a white bed of heavier soda. Reveals tracks of spiders and centipedes. Also humans.

These cookie consent modals are getting out of hand. Does this site really need two of them

"Book Review: 'Means of Control' charts the disturbing rise of a secretive US surveillance regime"

"In the book 'Means of Control,' former Wall Street Journal reporter Byron Taul exposes in disturbing detail how private Beltway contractors have grown a secretive surveillance regime, AP technology reporter Frank Bajak writes"

Grobritannien versieht Tausende von Migranten mit GPS-Etiketten

"Knchelanhnger, die stndig die Koordinaten einer Person aufzeichnen, sind Teil einer wachsenden Zahl von experimentellen berwachungsinstrumenten, die Lnder auf der ganzen Welt an Neuankmmlingen ausprobieren."

I'm going to keep opting out

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The UKs Tagging of Has Been Ruled Illegal

The UKs regulator says the government did not take into account the intrusiveness of ankle tags that continuously monitor a persons location.

Ihr -Paket wurde nie zugestellt obwohl wir so ein schnes ber die erfolgte Zustellung zusammen gebastelt haben Sie haben deswegen eine Beschwerde angestrengt. Na, kein Problem - da haben wir fr sie eine Eingabemaske zusammen gestellt die als Auswahl nur eine erfolgreiche Zustellung zulsst :-)

Today I suddenly found these "who to follow" suggestions in between posts (for privacy I covered icons and account names). Never seen "suggestions" before. Is Mastodon becoming like Twitter or its ilk Particularly worrying is the "personalized suggestion" then something is tracking what I do Or am I misunderstanding something

Ich vermute, es geht (auch) um das allgegenwrtige /berwachung durch und App-Anbietende.

In einer Untersuchung von Zeit Online vor ein paar Jahren hie es, dass Android (nicht die Apps, sondern rein das Betriebssystem, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere) stndlich um die 1000 "Callbacks" zu Google, bzw. den Betreibern der jeweiligen Android-Variante aufbaut.

Meines Erachtens wre gerade auch (aber natrlich nicht nur) fr Kinder ein Betriebssystem wie "perfekt", weil angibt, dass sie nicht tracken.

Android-Apps werden untersttzt, werden aber - wenn ich es richtig verstehe - in einer Sandbox ausgefhrt, sodass sie weitestgehend in ihren Berechtigungen eingeschrnkt werden.

They are not even trying to hide it anymore.

"District court blocks Texas AG demand for documents on trans youth"

"A Texas district court judge on Friday temporarily halted a demand from the state attorney generals office for an LGBTQ advocacy group to hand over information related to its support of transgender children receiving gender-affirming medical care."

Avast sells browser data then fined, Apple maliciously drops web app support in EU - HTTAY 83 Dave

Gut zu wissen, hat ein Feature, das es ermglicht links einer Hompage ohne zu .
Das respektiert die , indem es aus langen links die mitunter sehr detaillierten Tracking-Parameter entfernt.

Ok, but it's not like we aren't already being spied on in our cars.

"Biden is worried China will use its cars to spy on Americans"

Here's a for checking URLs and where they to:

alias url-check='curl -sLD - -o /dev/null -w "%urleffectiven"'

I use it to get the final (especially from emails) and avoid for better and .

Thanks to for the command.

Lest we forget, this was the stomping ground for George Orwell.

"The UKs GPS Tagging of Migrants Has Been Ruled Illegal"

"The UKs privacy regulator says the government did not take into account the intrusiveness of ankle tags that continuously monitor a persons location."

I found an incredible for called

Find it here

It helps you stay on task with reminders to begin tracking time, take regular breaks, and end your session if it over-extends.

It is very user-friendly and gathers tons of data with minimal effort. The data it displays is dense and includes tons of detail.

If you're looking to track your time, definitely check it out.

Let me know what you think!

Unfortunately, has dropped out of my as a serious source and I will no longer link to them.

What they write there is wrong on so many levels that it is downright cheeky.

Their goal with tracking is to undermine my privacy as much as possible and not to protect it.


Jhrlich 6.4 Mio verkaufte sind der zu wenig der Nachfrage. Oder berwiegen da andere Interessen Schliesslich ist bei Mehrfahrtenkarten kein der Reisenden mglich. Hmmmm.

TBH I think the organic way of the makes way better and more tailored than any shite could deliver...

And no, I'm not against and advertising on their own accounts: That's valid and okay - if someone doesn't want to see that, they can choose to block and/or mute said accounts and be done with it!

Who loves advertising, cybercriminals, intelligence agencies, and who else

Judge issues restraining order keeping from : The wants to know how 2% of the US's is being used, 20240227,
by John T,

The Is GPS-Tagging Thousands of

Ankle tags that constantly log a persons coordinates are part of a growing cadre of experimental tools that countries around the world are trying out on new arrivals.

Judge issues restraining order keeping from miners

Tracking a parcel from Aus to NZ. According to AusPost, flight departed Melbourne at 4:34pm on the 26th, then departed again at 10:33pm, before finally landing in NZ at 7:16pm on the 27th.

Not sure how a flight manages to take off twice in a row without landing (strong headwinds forgot something so had to turn back and swing by for it) but I'm pretty sure the only way to take 21 hours to fly from Aus to NZ is to go the long way round.

"The UK Is GPS-Tagging Thousands of Migrants"

"Ankle tags that constantly log a persons coordinates are part of a growing cadre of experimental surveillance tools that countries around the world are trying out on new arrivals."

WIRED offers a terrifying look at how ad-supported mobile apps like Grindr track your geospatial data, and how this was an intelligence boon for the CIA who could track phones in Russian president Vladimir Putins entourage. Targeted ads could identify the location of secret bases and employees of government agencies in national security. Not only are intelligence agencies buying adtech data but also US Customs and Border Protection, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the US Secret Service. DHS told the inspector general that they would continue to use the data, even if the department did not have adequate privacy safeguards in place.

This is just the beginning

"Massachusetts State Troopers Used A Phone App To Make Hundreds Of Illegal Recordings"

"Law enforcement says laws are the rules that apply to everyone, but especially to people who arent in the law enforcement business."

Instead of my Android phone's default browser, I use the DuckDuckGo browser to limit what data gets accumulated about me in order to sell my attention to advertisers.

If you're like me, you don't read what you "consent" to in statements that start with:
I accept the terms
I have read
I agree

Here are reasons I use the DuckDuckGo browser on my Android phone:

You can quickly install it, too.

Galaxy Ring: Samsung nennt erste Detail-Infos zu seinem Fitness-Ring

Hoffentlich wird ein vollstndiger ubd ausnahmlsoser ohne verpflichtend und bald ebenso verboten!

Ah was,

Avast, eine nicht unbekannte Gre unter den Herstellern von Programmen zum Virenschutz, hat laut Sicherheitszeitschrift BleepingComputer die Browserdaten mehrerer Millionen Nutzer ohne deren Zustimmung gesammelt, um sie dann gewinnbringend zu veruern. Hierauf wurde die amerikanische Handelskommission aufmerksam und verurteilt nun die Praxis scharf.

Oui j'ai commis des erreurs mais j'essaye de me refaire oker !

Nobody listens to me...

Anyone else sick and tired of opting out of online cookies on every fucking site

Anyone else think wanting to be tracked by rancid capitalists should be strictly opt-in

Anyone else think find a better way to do business you lazy cunts


Genauso wie ein von berfllig ist!!!

What's every time you click a link to another site ()/ That's why I'd recommend deleting the question mark and everything after it if you re-share a link from Facebookor anywhere else!
