Track the members of your group.  

It's typical how a lot of

It's typical how a lot of websites with the "right" critical views on tech and society are riddled with and sponsored product offers.

Not all Roads lead to Chrome!

Ha, I just had a vision for a new mechanical business case: combine i.e. with a solid mid-tier (Swiss) automatic watch and make the tracking mechanical with pushers and dials. I am sure, those high-end analogue bullet journalers on Youtube will buy it. give me a call!

Tweakers kan niet bestaan zonder tracking.

Link opgeschoond van alle rommel:

Na een goede poging stopt Tweakers met privacyvriendelijke trackingvrije advertenties. Ook komt er een DPG-cookiewall.

I feel isn't being completely honest when it comes to I have noted that for searches that don't yield many results, fills in results with ones that are targeting my location.

In the included example, 4 results in a row on page 2 know that I live in state, the one highlighted in blue knows my former location (Spokane) yellow and red are random, but places I have been to (Seattle and Tacoma, Washington) while green is my current location (Walla Walla) I live in a small city that shouldn't reveal results this precise, and this isn't the first time this has happened with DuckDuckGo in the past 2 years. Are they actually tracking users If so, is there a good privacy-focused to DuckDuckGo I am not going back to because that would be even worse, but this should not be happening with DDG.

I've not seen this one before. Opt-out of tracking failed as they can't collect my information securely.

Goodbye Youtube.
You're dead to me.

"Hoe worden we gemanipuleerd door het ontwerp van grote online platformen"

(Via )

Progress on the new project

Track your Group

Und ich dachte schon Heise htte viele

Ich hatte in der Vorweihnachtszeit davon berichtet, dass
# das Live-Tracking saisonabhngig modifiziert hat. Damals war das DPD Auto kein Sprinter, sondern ein Schlitten mit Rentier Rudolf.

Heute, zum , ist es zwar ein Sprinter, aber mit Herzchen.

Google's Protected Audience API now enables on-device auctions by the browser in order to tailor relevant ads without sharing your information and browsing activities with third parties, and it's "far from being private"

One good example (of many) why you should be concerned about your and take it seriously

Neues Audit-Tool des fr -Behrden sowie fr Verantwortliche und Auftragsverarbeiter, die ihre eigene Website testen wollen:

Das Tool basiert auf Chrome und untersucht u. a. , , Datenverkehr und -Pixel (). Ob eine Website gesetzeskonform ist oder nicht, entscheiden die testenden Sachbearbeiter*innen.

Asset Tracking Market Trends 2024 Industry Growth, Share Analysis, Top Companies, Opportunity 2032

Explore Full Report:

One drawback of using an anti-tracking function and continuously deleting cookies is that when you donate to a free site you use, by the next session they have no idea it was you and are again asking for a donation.

Unless you sign in. But that defeats using an anti-tracking function.

This must belong at least to a Tyrannosaurus Dog!

Gimli's first tracking lesson this morning, tracking a turkey-filled glove in a field

Missile Defense Agency, U.S. Navy Report Aegis Weapon System Success in Complex Target Test

H.I.V. Groups Warn of Risks in How C.D.C. Tracks Samples

Since 2018, the agency has mandated the signatures of collected from people with H.I.V., a practice known as molecular .

flaw in a popular smart helmet allowed silent location tracking TechCrunch

The maker of a popular smart and helmet has fixed a security flaw that allowed the easy real-time location of anyone wearing its helmets.

Missile Defense Agency, U.S. Navy Report Aegis Weapon System Success in Complex Target Test

Government is planning on launching this year the initiative.

I believe they will have a hard time explaining to people how DigitalId, MyGov, MyGovId, and the rest of the half-cooked identity services created in the last decade differ or work together.

Also, I wonder how long it will take for all the data that this system will store to be , misused, or leaked, following what seems to be a tradition in our country.

At the same time, I am torn between the , , and aspects involving this type of framework and the benefits that it could bring if (and only if) implemented correctly. Let us not forget that the current point-based approach is simply invalid and dysfunctional considering the long history of leaks.

Vima is a pretty decent option with limited app tracking for bike rides. Check it out.

Ist das eine Art versteckte Preiserhhung

Does anyone know of an app to easily keep track where in a city you have walked I've seen people do it on Reddit, but can't find any references anymore :)

I dont understand why people are complaining about web sites tracking you, recording every web site you visit, serving you advertisements accordingly. I find it great: whenever the kids are being noisy, I open a dozen web sites about the Apple AirPod Max, and next thing you know, my wife starts seeing a lot of ads for them. I also do it in the months before my birthday, while connected to my parents WiFi.

Online-Tools zur Messung der Wirksamkeit von Ad-Blockern sind leider wenig praxistauglich und liefern in Kombination mit Browser-Add-ons oft irrefhrende Ergebnisse. Am besten verzichtet man auf sie und verlinkt sie auch nicht, da gerade Anfnger/Einsteiger davon irritiert werden knnten. Empfehlt stattdessen die Installation von uBlock Origin und anderen zuverlssigen Ad-Block-Lsungen.

is so boring - not even real is built in

Das sollte vorschreiben, dass Unternehmen und ffentliche Institutionen den -Header immer beachten mssen und diesfalls auch kein anzeigen drfen, da die Zustimmung von der Nutzer*in ja schon verweigert wurde.

Cleaning up accounts on obsessive data hoarders.

Last month, Tradera. Today, no more Schibstedt-accounts. Im going to miss both Tradera and Blocket, but the degree of tracking they *require* you to submit to just to buy some other persons stuff is insane.

In contrast, eBay has less tracking. That says something. Will have to ditch them soon too, but not today.

Flugdaten-Tracking: Taylor Swifts Anwlte drohen Studenten mit Klage

Seit Jahren verffentlicht ein Student aus Florida die Flugdaten der Privatflieger von Stars und Prominenten auf Social-Media. Popstar Taylor Swift fhlt sich verfolgt - und will nun gegen ihn vorgehen.

"A woman in Connecticut suddenly began getting mail advertisements for cremation services soon after she completed chemotherapy, according to a startling anecdote in a new report by the states attorney generals office. According to the report, she was added to a marketing list for the cremation company by a data broker."

As Google and others plan to eliminate third-party search and website trackers, other ways of identifying users and discovering their habits will replace them.

USPS tracking is about as useful as those buttons at crosswalks. It's just there to make you feel included in the process, so you'll calm the hell down, but it doesn't actually do anything useful.

Und so wendet sich das Blatt: Schtzt man sich als AbonnentX des s vor , setzt einem arte nun die Pistole auf die Brust: Entweder, man unterwirft sich dem Tracking aktiv ber den Tracking-Link eines Dritten - oder man fliegt aus dem Verteiler.
Fr euch mit getestet.

Mansour Shouman is safe alhamdulillah. In an IG video he posted yesterday, he expresses surprise and gratitude for the recent influx of international and local media outlets in the region, despite the technological limitations they often face. Despite the challenges, they have been able to document situations and share updates with the world.

"Taylor Swift threatens legal action against student who tracks her private jet"

"Taylor Swifts attorneys have threatened legal action against a student who has been tracking the celebritys private jet use via social media."

Jeff coons