Track the members of your group.  

It's possible to build an app

It's possible to build an app with zero .

respiratory in : , ,

As the country heads into the worst time of year for respiratory infections, the Canadian respiratory virus surveillance report tracks how prevalent certain viruses are each week and how the trends are changing week to week.

Track your Group

Die unsichtbare Leine: Permanente digitale berwachung prgt heute die Kindheit von Millionen.

Tracking-Apps, GPS-Ortung und Echtzeit-Kontrolle sind fr viele Eltern zur Normalitt geworden. Doch die gut gemeinte Hightech-berwachung kann weitreichende Folgen haben:
Der Trend gefhrdet unter anderem die Autonomie, das Vertrauen und die gesunde (digitale) Entwicklung der Kinder.

I used to trust more than other platforms, mostly because I used a lot in my work.

I switched from to a long time ago for work (and use for private stuff).

However I just had to set up my work profile in Edge again today, and Microsoft's for has really gone to shit.

Look what they consider to now be 'Always Active' (i.e. not requiring consent): picture

Thread 1/3

Interesting that the new Website, which supposedly is intended to protect your online and , embeds and . So much for privacy!

Koffer weg, drin: Fluglinien hoffen auf effizienteres Gepck-Tracking Mac & i :appleinc:

GS1 Portugal apresenta novo estudo sobre tracking de frescos

Auszug aus Beitrag von .

Max Mustermann hat die Gmail-App auf seinem Android-Smartphone installiert. Bei jedem Login oder im Hintergrund wird seine IP-Adresse systembedingt an Google bermittelt. Google kann diese IP-Adresse mit Max Mustermann verknpfen und wei daher, dass die IP-Adresse ihm zugeordnet ist.

Zustzlich hat Max Mustermann die Tagesschau-App installiert. Auch diese App...

Sind in letzter Zeit auf erstaunlich viele getroffen, die (bevor wir sie aufgeklrt haben!) nicht glauben wollten, dass es ganz natrlich und selbstverstndlich mglich ist, Webseiten datenschutzfreundlich, ohne Analytics, Trackingmethoden, Third-Parties, Cookies und Consent-Tools zu gestalten und zu betreiben.

App What to Expect Refuses to Fix Issue that Allows Full Account Takeover

The are particularly sensitive at a time when advocates for reproductive health can become targets of harassment.

Vor zwei Monaten auf dem Blog: Tagesschau-App: Wie Google ber die Google-Cloud Daten ber dein Leseverhalten sammeln kann.

Nach zwei Monaten habe ich erneut geprft. Es hat sich nichts gendert.

Another day, another way that government agencies do an end-run around the 4th Amendment by getting your data from private data brokers. In this case, it's the US Secret Service, Customs and Border Patrol, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement  aka ICE or "la Migra"  getting your location data from a tool called "Locate X".

MarineTraffic Web Map Of Global Shipping
<-- shared live web map example
<-- introductory video
sharing of this website/service does not constitute an endorsement

Browser Fingerprint Your unique browser fingerprint hash:

An app to demonstrate various browser fingerprinting techniques

Okay, my setup is working now and my whole network has DNS filtering now.

Took a bit of fighting with podman (compose), but it all works now with a rootless container.

Thanks for the mention, !

- Database

DeFlock is a tool to help you learn about Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs) in your area. Here's how it works

Suitcase gone, AirTag in: Airlines hope for more efficient baggage tracking

iPhone users will soon be able to share their AirTag location temporarily, e.g. with airlines. Lufthansa & Co are hoping for a more efficient search for luggage

Koffer weg, AirTag drin: Fluglinien hoffen auf effizienteres Gepck-Tracking

iPhone-Nutzer knnen den AirTag-Standort bald temporr teilen, etwa mit Fluglinien. Lufthansa & Co erhoffen sich eine effizientere Suche nach Gepckstcken. 

In 2019, has an app that allows men to track women, and that and were accused of being complicit to "gender apartheid" for still having it on their platforms. Worse, no action was ever taken, so will continue to be dismantled here...

Apples "Wo ist": Fluggesellschaften drfen bald mittracken Mac & i :appleinc:

As long as that place is NOT online ever with your data, so air gapped computers only on local HDDs you're safe

read above article & understand more why our true identity is vital to protect online

Direct link to page

Any chance of removing the Amazon AWS tracking from the "Welcome to" welcome email

Literally every links uses Amazon tracking and (rightly) get blocked by Ublock Origin.

Creators of This Police Location Tool Aren't Vetting Buyers. Here's How To Protect Yourself Electronic Frontier Foundation -

Creators of This Police Location Tool Aren't Vetting Buyers. Here's How To Protect Yourself

Personal privacy tip: make sure your portable device (smartphone, laptop, watch, etc.) is not broadcasting it's wireless identifier (MAC address) openly when visiting public places!

This is small warning note on JCDecaux advertisement stand in shopping mall Panorama (Vilnius, Lithuania) mentioning tracking you cannot opt-out from

Unless of course you ensure no MAC address is broadcasted :blobCatSnug:

This Week in Self-Hosted (8 November 2024)

recognition from GitHub, software updates and launches, a content spotlight on - a self-hosted physical collection manager, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!

Lawsuits have been filed against three healthcare companies and the social media platforms and over the use of tools on that collect sensitive information.

Made a purchase from Good Luck Press to support a small creator.

The only option to track my package is scan a Shop QR code with my phone.

Why No. No I will not.

This will be the only purchase I make on Good Luck Press unless they change this.

Guess I'll just have to go back to the dark ages of waiting for a package without knowing where it is.

Zum Thema der Nutzer (ob mit ausgewhlten 832 Partnern oder ohne) geht es auch bei der Axel-Springer-Klage gegen -Anbieter .

Begrndung fr die Klage: Die Unterdrckung von und Tracking sei eine urheberrechtswidrige Modifikation am HTML-Quellcode der Seite.

Die ganzen -Erzeugnisse, scheinbar.

Da sieht man, woran es ihnen hauptschlich geht: Nicht um Login, sondern ums Datensammeln.

Mein hat mich schon vor dem Besuch der Seite gewarnt

Preaching to the converted but the EFF has a test for your . The is the harder one to tighten up.

Wieso unterscheidet eigentlich zwischen DHL-0815 und DHL-

Und wieso gibt es zwei verschiedene Apps

Und wieso kann sich die Express-App die nur mit Account merken

Die normale App beweist doch, wie es besser ginge... die leitet aber bei Express-Nummer nur auf die Webseite weiter... ist das denn echt so schwierig

After a question from the conservative EPP group, McGrath confirms he'll use the (DFA) to tackle barriers to protecting people as consumers, especially safeguarding minors from unfair marketing techniques like in-app sales & gambling-like features in video games.
We call on the Commissioner-designate to use the to also address the massive gap in regulating and pervasive online that continues to undermine everybody's online!

Onus is increasingly on the consumer to find out what everyday items are tracking them.

'Air fryers that gather your personal data and audio speakers stuffed with trackers are among examples of smart devices engaged in excessive surveillance, according to the consumer group Which' - article on 'smart' consumer goods that are preloaded with trackers for e.g. Facebook / TikTok / Google ad networks.

Presentation by Gne Acar about modern tracking tech conference

The slide shows a difference of 60% in collecting data between EU & data. In the USA 60% more data was collected in this research project compared to the same research done from the EU.

I wonder, could the difference be explained by EU legislation

De NLUUG najaars conferentie is van start! We beginnen met de keynote van Gne Acar () over moderne online tracking methoden:

Microsoft Update

to increase road capacity by vehicles The Register

textile search