Track the members of your group.  

ist als HR-Software sehr beliebt und

ist als HR-Software sehr beliebt und funktional.
Nur beim sieht es nicht so gut aus laut diesem Beitrag. Dort gibt es wohl nach (!) dem persnlichen Login und Daten flieen in die USA.

The App Tracking Protection in DuckDuckGo blocked 486 tracking attempts over the past 7 days in the Bluesky app - yet another reason to love Mastodon.

Additionally, ALL tracking should be opt-in only.

This is weirdly enough already the case #EU, thanks to the #GDPR it is illegal to activate any tracking without users accepts.

Now, where do this fails the greedy website owners are forcing the unknowing to accepts #cookies and there #Trackers to access the domain.

If you access a domain without accepting any of these things, they are prohibited to use any of there #tracking and #cookie , However, not long ago I ran into some German banks that violated this and they added the tracking cookie if I bypassed the acceptance script, this is also reported for GDPR violation same day I reported for the same thing.

: The has been who make informationrequests.

Source: Twitter

Gizmodos tests find the College Board website shares GPAs, SAT scores, and other information with and via pixels. The College Board has a years-long history of sharing and selling student .

Holy shit. It's been a while since I've seen the out of the box experience of . How do non-tech people survive This shit is horrendous!

At this point it is practically *obligatory* to have someone with a little tech know-how in your circle to fight off all the ugly dark patterns for you.
Hundreds of pop ups, sign-ups, and toggles, all designed to extract as much data and ad profit from an unsuspecting user...

<Rant 1/7> about

Bounce Tracking

I heard of this methode of Tracking before, but never knew that this was it's name, anyway. As I searched for it, I found this article from Brave which gives a very easy to understand explanation of Bounce Tracking, I recommend reading it.

Can and Should Be Disqualified From posting further links on any instance under the 2nd

Ergnzend oder abschlieend vielleicht nochmal ein Hinweis auf grundlegende Unterschiede der gennanten , sofern man sich dafr interessiert.

ist unbestritten ein Klasse-Dienst, den ich sehr gerne und bevorzugt nutze.

Aber und WhatsApp auf eine Stufe zu stellen, halte ich nicht fr zielfhrend. Es gibt Besonderheiten:

Wie Tastatursoftware die Privatsphre Hunderter Millionen Chinesen gefhrdet

Apps von Drittanbietern machen das Tippen auf Chinesisch auf PC oder Smartphone zwar effizienter, sind aber auch ein Alptraum fr den Datenschutz der Nutzer.

Running the on my devices in illuminating. I should not have to employ a firewall app this sort of should be illegal.

In limited use today, my iPad is showing nearly 3000 trackers blocked.

Transparency is among our key data principles, the spokesperson said

yeah, transparent pixels you use to send .

Tech spies will find ways around this.

"All hail the new EU law that lets social media users quiet quit the algorithm"

"Internet users in the European Union are logging on to a quiet revolution on mainstream social networks today: The ability to say no thanks to being attention hacked by AI."

People being afraid of (or cookies) in general because of , miss the point, that JavaScript's main usage is not tracking and tracking can happen without JavaScript just as well
While websites can (or could theoretically) work without JavaScript, web applications are another story: Their complexity might require client-side scripting.

Olen kytkenyt YouTubesta katseluhistorian ja kaikki seurantaan liittyvt ominaisuudet pois plt, mutta silti Home-nkym pivittyy vastaamaan aamupivll katsottuja videoita.

Illuusio valinnanvapaudesta ja yksityisyydest.

has introduced a way to thwart stalkers with Unknown Alerts on , a new method to protect Android users from those who seek to plant a device.

Our Blacklight tool, which scans websites for in real time, has some new features.

We made these changes because theyre what users told us would be most helpful. Check them out:

looked into the last part of the original toot

>Im curious how this telemetry is inserted into links. Is this a service/software media outlets are using

Looks like this is standard marketing analytics with plenty of choices for vendor, and "utm generators" to create these links are standard tools -

Google Analytics being the biggest ofc.

Full details:

when i think how much data they collect on my servers this isn't such a large number.

Then again, for the web application, it is quite a huge number

() is one of the main reasons is in such a precarious state. It has built a dragnet unprecedented in human history. It can read every in , follow your movements through Maps, and see everything you for.

This article delves into three notable instances where Googles privacy claims fell short, examining the issues of , tracking, and Google face .


Ich will weder segmentiert noch sonstwie analysiert werden.

"Piped ist ein YouTube-Frontend fr den Browser, dessen Quellcode auf fr jeden einsehbar ist.

ber lsst sich praktisch jedes -Video anschauen allerdings unter anderen Voraussetzungen:

Keine oder
Keine Verbindung mit -Servern
Leichtgewichtiges und schnelles Interface

Wer es noch nicht kennt, probiert es doch einfach mal aus und setzt Euer .

Man, 86, accused of assuming dead brother's identity in 1965 is convicted of several charges

An 86-year-old man accused of assuming his brothers identity decades ago and using it to double dip on Social Security benefits has been convicted of several charges, caught by facial recognition technology that matched the same face to two different identities, authorities say.

Run a real-time creepiness check on any website in the world with this free tool: Blacklight by The Markup

Facebooks state-controlled media labels appear to reduce engagement

Interactions with Russia and Chinas government media dropped when users noticed the badge.

I've absolutely had them lie and backdate delivery attempts, like when I was trying to get my Vive Index, spent the entire freaking day by the door because I was paranoid about it being stolen off the porch, only for late in the evening a delivery attempt to be backdated in the tracking at "12:34". I went in for pickup and filed complaints multiple ways. Wasted an entire day only for them to pretend it was my fault, and I suspect it's a really common practice.

Firefox Klar/Focus auf ShiftOS-L, das auf AOSP basiert. Evtl. liegt es an den Privatsphreeinstellungen, aber das ist nur geraten (gibt es da ggf. nur lokale Zugriffsrechte innerhalb der BRD). Knnte genauso ein fehlender Google-Dienst sein (Da kenne ich mich gar nicht aus.)


"A Pennsylvania court says state police can't hide how it monitors social media"

"Pennsylvanias Supreme Court handed civil liberties advocates a victory, ruling that state police can't hide from the public its policy governing how it monitors social media"

This article reviews a book entitled A Web of Our Own Making by Antn Barba-Kay which reminded me a lot of an issue of Audrey Watters Second Breakfast newsletter about the templated body.
What does it mean for there to be multiple, constructed realities. When everyone has a smartwatch and is tracking everything, does that make their life both qualitatively and

Mit Exodus, und trackercontrol knnen Benutzers unerwnschte "Nebenwirkungen" von apps ergrnden und datensparsame Alternativen finden.

Un outil pour tester vos Adblock ! J'utilise UblockOrigin et Privacy badger sur Firefox. 97% des trackers test sont bloqus. Il reste les "Cosmetic filter".

Even Supermarkets Are Your Nowadays

And it's not only loyalty cards: when I worked in ecommerce, it was about detecting how people moved in the shop based on cameras and their phones

Don't know if you knew but the addon is back now for more than 1 year after its revival:

#dns #tracking #tracker #privacy

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Hi, thanks for your service. is similar to except that Invidious embeds videos straight from by default. Means: My browser loads the video via Google servers, which, due to the system, is associated with the transmission of my IP address to Google. What happens if I use your app under and not the browser extension Do I bypass google with local API Thanks and best wishes

Mi scrive : "With our new Tracking Links Protection feature, we now detect and clean known tracking links, directing you safely to the web page without surveillance. Proton Mail is the first email service to offer this level of protection because we believe your inbox belongs to you.

Per approfondire:


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