Track the members of your group.  

I hope so...

I hope so...

is working on that already...

In the meantime, by because is specifically designed to give shite a big middle finger!

and become a !

Ich finde es richtig und wichtig das gegen die Praktiken der mit der klagt.
Ich finde es aber sehr fragwrdig, dass mit einer Entscheidung des Gerichts erst in einem Jahr oder spter gerechnet wird.
Was ist mit den in diesem Zeitraum dann schon gemachten Versten, bei 2 Millionen Nutzerinnen und Nutzern pro Tag

: klagt gegen in Deutsche-Bahn-App

Track your Group

Upgraded to iOS 17.4 last night, and almost forgot to go turn Bluetooth back off, again.

This is really messed up stuffs...

I call it despotic overreach via subjugation through state sponsored industrial surveillance systems.... It has nothing to do with capitalism but rather, that thing that Thomas Jefferson gave us... you know, the thing.

Been to a grocery store lately You've been complaining for decades now, that they artificially inflate the prices of items so that they can offer you steep discounts on a rotating list of them - If, and only if, you consent to being a "club member". Personally, I've consented many a times Rite-Aid, Albertson's, Wallgreens, CVS,Von's, and many others, as Brittney Spears, Charles Manson, Joseph Stalin, and even John Rambo, another obvious #nomdeguerre to combat what would follow as spam but worse, industrial surveillance and privacy mining (of course, you also need to use a fake phone number and a /dev/null email addy).

Have you tried to buy things at Jack in the Box or 7/11 or Mcdonald's lately ... They have an app for that. Why do you suppose that is They could just as easily and more efficiently deliver their content via PWS/webapps through your regular browser experience (they don't want to be counter-measured with uBlock Origin or integrated anti-tracking measures on the more sensible web browsers).

They're working really hard to deliver you to evil. I walked into a Smart & Final the other day and saw an unbelievable price for a 30 pack of Natural Light Beer - you had to use a "digital coupon" (just like you do at 7/11 to pay the regular, competitive price for an item). I asked the cashier where in their weekly rag the "digital coupon" was located, and she informed me that one needs to install an app to be eligible for the discount. Fuck that noise. Homey don't play dat.

China has ... Resistance is Futile.

When you install an app, it's a whole different ballpark of invasiveness, intrusions, data farming, and privacy mining, it's like it's your first day in #PelicanBay and you announce that you're going to drop the soap as you shower.

So the next time someone says, "Thank you for shopping at Walmart!", or synonymously, "Go Fuck Yourself", just smile, and offer, "Yes, there's an app for that".

What follows below in the #boost I've shared, that so inspired me to address this issue, is not a simple inconvenience - it's a new beginning :p In #CommunistRedChina, you do everything on your #WeChat app - you submit your elementary school homework, you buy stuffs at the local market, you inform on yourself and your friends to their state equivalent of the #Stazi, and you tell them exactly where to come and arrest, perhaps even disappear you. #FalunGong Healthy awesome! Now your a live organ donor too - you can thank #MegWhitman for that one.

You have been assimilated

All Your Base Are Belong To Us

#tallship #SunnyvaleSyndrome #IndustrialSurveillance #PrivacyMining #DataFarming #Tracking #Despotism #AYBABTU h/t to for bringing this to us via his #LibreSolutionsNetwork



Hallo ,

Ihr werdet mir immer UNSYMPATHISCHER!

With the ConvergePoint contract management software, you can optimize your processes by avoiding these 5 mistakes that your organization makes while managing contracts.

Click here:

heise+ Brave vs. Chrome: Was der alternative Browser besser macht

Google Chrome dominiert den Browser-Markt. Einen besseren Schutz vor Trackern bietet jedoch Brave: Der Privacy-Browser berzeugt mit effektiven Schutzmanahmen.

Kann jemand aus der mich berzeugen, zur Teilnahme am aufzurufen meine Bedenken/Gegenargumente sind: Besonders das erwnschte berzeugt mich nicht, weil die entstehenden Daten ohnehin unvollstndig und nicht reprsentativ sind, m.E also nicht fr Planungen taugen. Und ich finde, dass sich zuerst die verbessern muss bevor ich guten Gewissens zum Radeln aufrufen kann. Aber ich wrde mich gerne widerlegen lassen!

When we think of tracking or surveillance, we often think of Facebook, Instagram or Google but Viber (chat app) and Canva (photo editing) also do some tracking.

Erst muss man das zulassen, wenn man weiterlesen will, um danach dann festzustellen, dass der Artikel hinter einer ist. Das ist ein Verhalten, dass ich nicht okay finde.

, , mangelhafte Interoperabilitt mit Dingen auerhalb des , ,

Users demand that their browsers protect them from tracking and other attempts to spy on them on the internet. A new generation of programs now specialize in protecting privacy.

Un site web pour savoir o sont vos colis. Entrez juste votre numro de colis.
a marche avec DHL, LaPoste, Chronopost, MondialRelay, Colissimo, AliExpress, Amazon, etc.

EDIT: On me signale qui a l'air mieux.

If you like to use app on your setup to control lighting then be aware the latest update has all the appearances now of a now being a massive / platform.

The terms and conditions now ask you to explicitly opt out of 100+ different advertising brokers.

The only way to opt out is to manually scroll though two separate lists of advertising and tracking brokers and decline content for each and every one manually. The UI for has a poor UX.

At least one listed option "Stream Eye OOD" has NO option to revoke their IP address tracking. I may have missed others.

Needless to say SignalRGB is now uninstalled and I won't be using or recommending it again.

You may want to review it's usefulness for your own setup and if you really wish to have that much unnecessary tracking taking place on your PC's.

Sendung NANO (11. Mrz 2024): Datenschutz - Autos sind neugieriger, als sie sein drften.

Ab 00:55 bis ca. 08:55. Sehenswert.

Are Sharing Consumers Driving Behavior With Companies

, which generates consumer risk profiles for the insurers, knew about every trip G.M. drivers had taken in their cars, including when they sped, braked too hard or accelerated rapidly.

We are tracked in all our movements. Cameras, sensors IoTs connected, smart phone. Smart meter, smart watch, and of course smart cars reporting to insurance companies. Beware your abrupt braking could cost you.

Heute hat die Arbeitsgruppe #ScienceTracking des AWBI der in einem Webinar abschlieende Ergebnisse zum Thema #Datentracking in der #Wissenschaft vorgestellt. Das Paper dazu wird vrstl. im Q3/2024 in DE und EN verffentlicht. Es ging hierbei speziell um die Beantwortung der Frage: "Stehen #Bibliotheken in der Mitverantwortung fr mgliche Datenschutzverletzungen oder Verletzungen der informationellen Selbstbestimmung" Dazu wurde ein Rechtsgutachten zum Thema "Datenschutzrechtliche Anforderungen im Rahmen des DEAL-Projektes" eingeholt, die wesentlichen Ergebnisse sind auf der Folie im Screenshot zu sehen. Diese wurden im Anschluss durch einen Anwalt der Rechtsanwaltskanzlei erlutert. Auf Basis der DEAL-Verhandlungsergebnisse konnten so allgemeine Musterformulierungen fr Lizenzvertrge erarbeitet werden.
Ebenso wurde eine IT-forensische Untersuchung zum "Webtracking durch Wissenschaftsverlage" vorgestellt, die bereits als Paper verfgbar ist und dabei #ACM, #Elsevier, #IEEE und #SpringerNature Macmillan Education untersucht: .
Die Arbeit am Thema wird nun in der Allianz im Schwerpunkt "Digitalitt" weitergefhrt, hierbei sollen z. B. Zertifizierung oder auch das Datentracking durch andere Publikationsplattformen und auch Dienste wie #ORCID behandelt werden. Darber hinaus wird das Thema durch die DFG international weitergetragen. Bibliotheken wurden zur Selbstorganisation hinsichtlich weiterer Manahmen gegen Datentracking aufgerufen.
#Privacy #Tracking #Datenschutz #Bibliothek #OpenScience #OpenAccess #AcademicPublishing #Publikation

"Urteil des Europischen Gerichtshofs
Der Todessto fr die -basierte "

: jovandeginste/workout-tracker: A workout tracking web application for personal use (or family, friends), geared towards running and other GPX-based activities Pour tracker rando en auto-hberg

Why is Sales Tracking Important in Real Estate

Discover the significance of sales tracking in the real estate industry and how it can help improve business performance. Learn more now.

Read on:

Krijg mail van dus ik klik meteen op de link .

Krijg ik dit,

Origin heeft het laden van de volgende pagina voorkomen:

vanwege het volgende filter:
Gevonden in:

s and server list.

Nog nooit eerder gehad bij een dergelijke actie. Gaat wel heel erg ver dat tracken bij hen.

I watch videos on maybe 5-6 times per year. I tried to watch a video this morning for the first time in a long time

what a ridiculous cesspool of , , and other bullcrap. I cant believe how bad it has become!

I uninstalled it for good.

Scope: analysis of 1-3D Kalman filters for in real time.

is and werden als innovativ abgefeiert - really ,

Last day of . I've got to leave early for a trip in on Sunday--weather and road conditions permitting--which means missing the final night party. It's been a good retreat and a chance to catch up with friends and acquaintances, and get a bit more settled into the groove I've been missing for awhile.

Hey everyone! I'm making a thing again, and I'd love if some knowledgeable people threw in some submissions in the form of resources, stories, suggestions, or questions!

It's a project about tech-enabled abuse.

*I'm just starting the discovery phase and figuring out what I want to cover now, so the repo link below only has some info-dump stuff in it so far.

Genau mein Humor

" des Europischen Gerichtshofs Der Todessto fr die -basierte Werbeindustrie
Die Klger jubeln, die wiegelt ab: -Richter haben eine Werbeorganisation fr den Handel mit persnlichen mitverantwortlich gemacht. Was bedeutet das fr die Branche"

Wenn da evt. nicht wieder Gesetzeslcke gefunden werden fr andere Mglichkeiten um Menschen anzusprechen und gezielt zu bewerben

en Tracking, fingerprinting, cookie data: Personal information or not

"The dangers of restricting the concept of personal data to a persons legal identity were recognized and articulated early on, long before the GDPR ..."
The text by a co-chairman of may be biased. But does contribute to reasoning on the topic of personal identifiable information.

Heiliger Bimbam! Da htte ich mir doch beinahe eine App installiert, konnte mich dann aber doch nicht berwinden: 817 Partner mchten mich tracken. Echt jetzt

Feeling spied by your phone Some answers this weekend live on Radio 103.8:
Take back control. Review app permissions, limit ad tracking on your device, and consider using a separate browser for sensitive searches. By understanding how ad targeting works and taking charge of your privacy settings, you can minimize that creepy feeling of being spied on by your own device.

That's cool:
Live-Tracker for the ISS-Battery-Pack:

Ehhh, wtf! #1984 is geen handleiding!

So here's something or nothing: I sent a mail to myself via our bulk mailer and can see what I've been doing even though I have 's 'Mail Privacy Protection' switched on Irrespective of what Apple says, the click-thrus I kinda get given they include UTM cruft, but I thought just opening would be opaque.
Or am I misinterpreting Apple's description (as per the alt-text) of what it offers

die mchte, das wir auf einen -Link klicken. Sollen wir ihr den Gefallen tun Dient wahrscheinlich dazu, die zu belegen und dem Resort-Chef zu beweisen, das das Geld bei gut angelegt ist.

: Einfach kein und setzen!

Die einzig "technisch notwendigen" Cookies sind und die brauchten nie Erlaubnisanfrage...

Hoffe & geht gegen vor und erzwingt eine nicht- Standardauswahl die "Nein Danke - Alle Ablehnen" vorschreibt!

"Employer surveillance can take many forms:

Spying on internet activity
Monitoring keystrokes to assess productivity
Accessing employees' webcams
Using fingerprint scanners to enter the workplace
Placing sensors under desks to monitor movement
Fitting workers with wearable tracking devices or location trackers on company vehicles"


CIW076 - Don't be evil!

Thema: Your Life oder Reduziere deinen Datenoutput
Kurze Begriffserklrung: Was ist
Wie Tracking in Apps die und den unntig gefhrdet

Was mit den gesammelten Daten noch verfolgt wird
Was trackt an Daten
Zustzliche Probleme ( und Freedom Act: in den USA)
Was bedeutet der Verzicht auf die Google-Dienste

Die Liste der Dienste ist lang. Hier nur die Wichtigsten der weit ber 100 Dienste:

Webseite der Episode:


United States.