Track the members of your group.  

Here is image of Microsoft Bing.

Here is image of Microsoft Bing. Now I don't like Bing, I don't like Microsoft in general. But look at the experience. Is this not a browser you would be willing to use just to try it out. In terms of privacy I think that whats Foss apps lack. Like the new orbot app might look bad to old user but it will definitely attract new users.

Like this has workspacz, tab management and customiz- and every tools integrated. Imagine having a sidebar with your fav app

The Iceberg Cometh - It's The Size Of Oahu, And It's Moving Into The Open Ocean A23a
<-- shared media article

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) British Antarctic Survey University of Colorado Boulder National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)

Wer trackt genau Stiftung Warentest prft Fitnessfunktionen von Smartwatches

Die allermeisten Smartwatches sind heutzutage mit Gesundheitsfunktionen ausgestattet. Aber wie gut sind EKG, Herzfrequenzmessung und Schlafaufzeichnung im Alltag Ein Test von Stiftung Warentest gibt Aufschluss.

Sentry und ohne Soll das so oder kann das weg

How many other companies are doing this and not getting caught

"Rite Aid facial recognition misidentified Black, Latino and Asian people as likely shoplifters"

"Surveillance systems incorrectly and without customer consent marked shoppers as persons of interest, an FTC settlement says"

From the national home of the late George Orwell:

"Police to be able to run face recognition searches on 50m driving licence holders"

"Exclusive: Privacy campaigners say clause in new criminal justice bill will put all UK drivers on permanent police lineup"

Seit dem gekauft hat, kostet Musik die man dort kauft, 2 zustzlich. So luft das jetzt. Damit ist Bandcamp jetzt eine Plattform bei der, der Investor/ neue Besitzer, immer an den Return denkt. Also kaufe ich ein Album dort fr 12 Euro, bezahle ich beim Check Out dann 14 . Schade um Bandcamp. Auch ist jetzt zu viel & im Hintergrund wie ich sehe.

Ach, ihr wollt meine Daten mit euren 989 Partnern tauschen Aber gern doch!

not really...

My own website doesn't have any or so I don't need to have any shitty banners and dataprotection compliance stuff...

Today I decided to remove Matomo Analytics from my sites/blogs, that I used with anonymized data anyway, after ditching Google Analytics last year. And I don't use JetPack on my WordPress blogs...

No more tracking of any kind by me (but can happen when I embed external content, such as no-cookie videos, or music players...)


I imagine that the feature originated from people creating manually-maintained lists with checkboxes to indicate whether an issue (or PR) is closed/done. People naturally forget about, or tire of, manual maintenance.

Easier to have linked items automatically expand, and automatically show whether there's closure.

Ideal for meta-issues and the like, I guess.


* Datenschutz nicht inbegriffen Intelligent und sicher einkaufen Mozilla Foundation

ARD, ZDF und Co. lernen nicht dazu. Bei der ZDF-Mediathek ist die erforderliche Erfolgsmessung immer aktiv, also nicht abschaltbar. Und bei der ARD wird nicht einmal eine Einwilligung eingeholt, sondern gleich Google Crashlytics eingebunden. Da muss man auch erst klagen, bevor man sich an Gesetze hlt. Traurig.

Danke fr den Artikel und die Verlinkungen zu und oder wie und was viele User nicht auffllt und dem auch nicht min blocken. Das ist sehr wohl ein wichtiger Punkt von Anbietern zur den Investoren etc usw. Denn ein Internet ohne einem direktem Einkommen kann/muss man dan darber finanziell rechtfertigen um zB ua fr sich zu gewinnen.

Tracking, nein danke! - Das Netz ist politisch

ist eine der grssten Ausprgungen des . Wer mehr ber dich weiss, kann dir mehr Dinge verkaufen. Oder dich fast wie ein Ding verkaufen.

Wer sich fr die folgenden Feiertage etwas vornehmen will, dem empfehle ich, sich und andere vor Internet-Tracking zu schtzen.

Hintergrnde und Tipps hier:

What Rite Aid gathered and must delete doesn't address what they already sold off to their partners that then expanded the data beyond their spheres of influence, does it..

"Rite Aid hit with five-year facial recognition ban over reckless use"

"The Federal Trade Commission is also requiring the pharmacy chain to delete all the photos and videos it captured of customers."

"An abused wife took on Tesla over tracking tech. She lost."

"Cases of technology-enabled stalking involving cars are emerging as automakers add ever-more-sophisticated features, such as location tracking and remote control of functions such as locking doors or honking the horn, according to interviews with divorce lawyers, private investigators and anti-domestic-violence advocates."

Heres some breaking news, CNN Breaking News. Not everyone is running Brave. I dont. Many do run privacy controls. How ironic that our privacy controls are blocking your privacy protections, and you insist we should TRUST YOU. Is that like trusting Meta to protect users phone numbers by passing their chats through Meta servers

So hilarious. Thank you for self-deselecting from my trusted news sources.

Does Less Consumer Lead to Less Fraud

Ahh, ebay- hat endlich mal den Absender gendert. Und direkt mal ein nettes eingebaut (-:

Mal nen Filter bauen und direkt weglschen lassen. Geht mir eh aufm Sack.


Does Less Consumer Lead to Less Fraud

Heres another reason to block digital : it might reduce financial fraud. Thats the upshot of a small but promising study published as a National Bureau of Economic Research ( ) working paper, Consumer Surveillance and .

Yeah, thats not good.

I call bullshit on CNNs stop blocking our tracker code so that we can protect your privacy messaging.

"Mit dem Verzicht auf Plastik schonen wir die Umwelt und machen das Mitnehmen Ihrer Plastikkarte berflssig. Daher finden Sie Ihre digitale BahnBonus Karte jetzt in der BahnBonus App."

Liebe , das als "nachhaltig" zu verkaufen nennt man "Greenwashing" und dass ohne Eure App dann nichts mehr geht "Digital-Zwang". In Eurer Nachhaltigkeits-Rechnung fehlt der zustzliche Energieverbrauch durch App & Tracking. Und in der Gesamtrechnung der Mensch, der nicht getrackt werden will.

Who has tried calorie tracking apps or sites

I've tried a few. They're sort of ok for scanning barcodes of single portion packets of processed food.

But incredibly maladapted for cooking from scratch with a lot of different ingredients

Particularly when it's not clear who will be eating how much at what meal of what you make.

And you cook by what needs eating in fridge etc, by handful, pour & dash not meticulous weighing by recipe.

Any good experiences

is protecting you against tracking, even modern forms. Chrome is the choice of the data collection industry.
Bot are running in standard setup, in these screen shots.

Habe gerade mal an geschrieben.

Chrome starts the countdown to the end of tracking cookies

beginnt im Januar 2024 mit dem Verzicht auf Drittanbieter-Cookies heise online

"Czech Republic receives new electronic surveillance system"

"The system, known as the Deployable Passive Electronic Support Measures Tracker (DPET), is replacing the in-service Vera-S/M, although it will remain in the armament of the army and be used for training and use by Active Reserve units, according to an announcement by the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic."

Aaaactually I would argue it's quite simple: just don't spy on your readers and you're good. You might even *save* money by cleaning up your website of unnecessary tech and contracts with vultures.

Weekend Reads:

* OpenPGP for app devs book
* Nagios XI vulnerabilities
* Metro area network trends
* Certificate transparency systems
* Tracking device anti-stalking analysis

Privacy extension brawl: uBlock Origin or Privacy Badger

In diesem Beitrag hier ist noch die Rede davon, dass man das abstellen kann. Das scheint nun nicht mehr so zu sein.

Years after rival web browsers made the move, Google Chrome has begun blocking websites from using third-party cookies, the easiest way to track our online behavior as we move around the web.

I just noticed a funny change in the "cookie banner" you see on many websites. Suddenly they started to turn on by default a ton of 3rd parties with the annotation "legitimate interest". The last website I was on had like over 60 3rd parties with "legitimate interest".

TOTALLY not sus at all.

Google Chrome beginnt im Januar 2024 mit dem Verzicht auf Drittanbieter-Cookies

Vier Jahre nach Apple und Mozilla wird auch Google auf Drittanbieter-Cookies fr User-Tracking verzichten. Es beginnt am 4.1.2024 bei einem Prozent der Nutzer.

DuckDuckGo, the privacy-focused search engine, said Thursday that its App Tracking Protection in the DuckDuckGo Android browser is now out of beta and available to use on all Android phones.

One of the skills that humans have used their brain for is . Ability to track better was likely an evolutionary pressure towards greater intellectual skills - "better tracking" tends to "more food" tends to "pass genes on".

A memoir by called has tracking featuring heavily. (As does escaping from . )

I recomend it highly as a tool and a well worth reading.

Also if you always wanted to get a Geiger counter-like sound when domains are contacted, here is your extension for this for for too!

I hate donald trump