Track the members of your group.  

GPS tracking reveals koalas Phascolarctos cinereus

GPS tracking reveals koalas Phascolarctos cinereus use mosaics of different forest ages after environmentally regulated timber harvesting

"We located koalas for capture using day searches, nocturnal spot-lighting, koala detection dogs and dawn drone flights. Once located, koalas were either captured by trapping or flagging by a tree climber using an extended pole. Animals were anesthetized to allow appropriate fitting of collars."
Law, B., Gonsalves, L., Slade, C., Brassil, T. & Flanagan, C. (2024) GPS tracking reveals koalas Phascolarctos cinereus use mosaics of different forest ages after environmentally regulated timber harvesting. Austral Ecology, 49, e13518. Available from:

"The Next US President Will Have Troubling New Surveillance Powers"

"Over the weekend, President Joe Biden signed legislation not only reauthorizing a major FISA spy program but expanding it in ways that could have major implications for privacy rights in the US."

And then there's this GDPR warning in Webflow when you try and use a Google font. Google will track your end users' IP addresses.

Das und Bezahl-Sperre fr seine redaktionellen Artikeln anbietet ist nichts dagegen zu sagen, aber die Armada von tracking Anbietern auf Heise, die den Rest begleiten, empfinde ich als heftig. Muss das sein

Ich musste soeben den auf meinem Smartphone installieren, um eine digitale Fahrkarte nutzen zu knnen.

Hasse alles daran.

Hoffe, Blokada und /e/s advanced privacy verhindern den schlimmsten Datenabfluss. (Nehme gerne Alternative fr Digitale Tickets, falls es sowas gibt.)

praktisch gar nicht ... ich habe einen Router/Client mit Dachantenne plus einen Client fr unterwegs - war mal technisch interessant, ist ein faszinierendes Konzept, einen praktischen Nutzen sehr ich aber derzeit nicht.

Praktisch nutze ich im Bereich und rund um Haus und Grundstck mit 2 eigenen Gateways. GPS- klappt hier in der Region auch recht gut aufgrund passabler Coverage mit Gateways ...

EU verlangt von Online-Plattformen Gratis-Dienste ohne personalisierte Werbung heise online

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Trackers

A new bioadhesive makes it easier to attach trackers to squid.
Note: the article does not discuss squid privacy rights.
As usual, you ca...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Trackers

Du hast keinen uBlock Origin gegen und . Das gibt es als Erweiterung fr die gngigen Browser.

Der perfekte fr ein verregnetes Wochenende aus dem Dossier and :

Auch Kisha kriegt keinen Kredit: und durch und automatisierte

Auch eine Art von : findet sein -getriebenes Ttungssystem AIP, das u.a. zur militrischen Drohnensteuerung und Angriffsplanung eingesetzt wird, etwas unterbeschftigt und bietet es jetzt der Werbeindustrie fr verbessertes an. Absolut folgerichtig angesichts dessen, wie sehr die intelligence community auf -Daten zurckgreift. Und naja: ob Zielerfassung hier oder Zielerfassung da - was soll's.

Die macht Druck fr mehr im Internet.

Ist ja eine nette Idee, und ich htte auch gerne mitgeraten. Aber eine deutlich zweistellige Anzahl bler Domains, von denen Tracker und Werbung nachgeladen werden sollen Nein danke, mit ist schon schlecht.

The is quite flexible. I compiled a list of examples:

What I like: edit a copy of any on the web and embed it. .

I am wondering how people use it. As I am not them on my hosted instance, I do not know. If you use it, please get in touch :)

Hat sich, so frage ich mich schonmal jemand aus der bubble kompetent mit dem z. B. bei auseinandergesetzt Hintergrund, der Anbieter will seinen Kunden den Zugang zu den eigenen Dokumenten, wie Rechnung etc. nur noch ausschlielich ber eine mit verseuchte App anbieten. retrt erwnscht.

EU verlangt von Online-Plattformen Gratis-Dienste ohne personalisierte Werbung

Die EU-Aufsichtsbehrden fordern groe Online-Plattformen zu einer akzeptablen Alternative ohne Datenfreigabe auf, statt nur "Zustimmen oder zahlen" anzubieten.

Mobile Network Surveillance Tracking Methods and How to Mitigate Against ThemThis list is not exhaustive by any means, but it will serve as a good introduction. I am working on a proper longform post to simplify and flesh out this topic with more detailed, actionable advice.#cybersecgirl #mobile #tracking #privacytechpro / Cast Cellular Analysis and Geo-Location Guide 2019 (Unclassified) Network Surveillance tracking methods include:Geofencing, Geolocation Trilateration Triangulation / Aerial Stingrays (Dirtboxes) SMS Re-Routing Device Privacy and Security resources: Mitigations:Use GrapheneOS. #GrapheneOS is able to turn off Wifi and bluetooth scanning + GPS. Faraday bags, airplane mode, modem and sensor kill switches, always-on VPN. Do not autoconnect to WiFi or Bluetooth (keep off when not in use)RFID (keep off when not in use)IMEI change

Link ohne

Genial, ein Sampler als Plugin verfgbar fr Linux/Mac/Windows


Multi-factor authentication / 2FA:
- I use Authy as an authenticator app, and enable 2FA on every site that offers it. But if you only use it for your e-mail provider, that'sa major improvement.

Extra indulgence:
- I've subscribe to Incogni for one year. They will try to get your e-mail address removed with as many data brokers as possible. Unfortunately only for one e-mail address.

I think that's everything, but I'm open for other tips and tricks. Sorry for the long post.

Track your Group

Part 2:

Disposable e-mail addresses:
I only use my real e-mail address for truly trusted recipients. What about all others Well...
- will allow you to create as many e-mail addresses as you like (only about 5 in a free account though). I've added my own custom domain. Added bonus is that you can see which e-mail addresses generate spam. In that case disabling the address is simple.

Secure cloud storage:
I wanted to stop using Google Drive, because, well, Google
- pCloud will let you buy (not rent) cloud space, buy once and keep using it as long as you like. pCloud is a Swiss company, so protected by strict privacy law. It also integrates nicely with Linux, WIndows or MacOS

- Bitwarden does this pretty well and secure. I used to use LastPass, but in the end it leaked like a sieve

Just in case you're interested, this is how I try to stay secure and private online.

Ads and trackers:
Malware is dangerous, trcking kills your privacy and ads are simply annoying and slow down your browsing, so:
- NextDNS will filter out most ads, malware and trackers. Aditionally, you get encrypted DNS and if necessary some extra filters like gambling or porn
- The uBlock Origin browser plugin does the same blocking, I've added it in case NextDNS misses something
- The Trace Online Tracking Protection browser plugin will prevent browser fingerprinting, this only seems to work on Linux, not on my Chromebook. Just have a peek at ...
- Don't use Chrome browser (or Edge). I'm using Firefox on Linux and Kiwi on Android. Brave browser is also quite good.


"This paper proposes mSAIL, 8 8 2.6 mm and 62 mg embedded system for monarch migration tracking, constructed using 8 prior custom-designed ICs providing solar energy harvesting, an ultra-low power processor, light/temperature sensors, power management, and a wireless transceiver, all integrated and 3D stacked on a micro PCB with an 8 8 mm printed antenna."

Androids AirTag competitor gears up for launch, thanks to iOS release

A and baseband is to be considered at all times, and even if people were to tunnel everything via / that won't avoid the and "" aspect.

Ideally we'd have stuff like the & ready to , but sadly I've to still work on getting the necessary done based upon / .

Granted, the best thing one can do is to bounce public WiFis with anonymized MAC addresses...

That works okay with Tor Bridges, but won't work in like where you only have a national intranet and the only options you have to get any access is through smuggled SIMs at the Chinese and Russian Border...

As someone who lives on the web, I understand the importance of cookies and will often just click "allow all". This time on the other hand...

hat offensichtlich seine Website "optimiert" und meine Antwort ist ein schallendes nein!

Perhaps (only guessing) you don't overview completely the ramifications of using and the like. I do to large extent. I personally had two quite frightening experiences with Google myself. Since then I am very strict in my decline of Google and the rest of the gang, sorry.

just looked at the DDG news section - I think MSN stuff is unavoidable, but you don't have to open it in an app - click Expand Article instead.

Vivaldi is a very good private browser. But keep DDG for the App Tracking Prevention.

Schwurbeln statt Fakten. Der -Befrworter basht mal wieder gegen die Datenschtzer und argumentiert wie toll doch sei und wie schlecht ist. Beispiele werden nicht geliefert.

Dass Verhaltensanalyse stattfindet, wird in keinem Wort erwhnt. Und natrlich kein Wort ber den Klau des Generalschlssels oder ber die Berichte der letzten Hacks.

Genug user sind ja schon ignorant genug was und und angeht. Aber kann man im Gegensatz dazu mit eigenen Augen sehen und vielleicht bringt das ja bei einigen den Stein ins Rollen oder das Fass zum berlaufen.

Im building , a new blogging service

- No
- No
- No
- No
- No
- No registration to try

- first
- mode
- Read anywhere (even on ).
- drag/drop
- Bring your own

You can check out my blog mirror at

Happy to send invites.

Please help me get the word out

Still the only possible battery replacement for apple customers().

: von und verriet Empfngeradressen

websites share visitors' data with , The Register

Could have been worse last time researchers checked it was 98.6%


We are looking for websites without , which do not source any external content and, if possible, do not set .

Languages initially: DE - EN - ES

Thank you for every message.

Spreading the word would also be a big help.


Gesucht werden Webseiten ohne , die keine externen Inhalte beziehen und mglichst auch keine setzen.

Sprachen vorerst: DE - EN - ES

Vielen Dank fr jede Meldung.

Weitersagen wre ebenfalls eine groe Hilfe.

: des -Herstellers kommt ber Online-Werbung heise online

bizarre, it still powers the bluetooth chip when the phone is off allowing it to continue sending beacons for the "Find My Device" network

"Android 15 could allow devices to be tracked even when switched off" discount