Track the members of your group.  

Gab ja bislang auch einen echten

Gab ja bislang auch einen echten Mangel an Instrumenten hierfr.

Dies ist nicht neu & wird schon lange prof. eingesetzt.

Tracking durch CSS Das ist der Schlssel zum digitalen Fingerabdruck im :
Eine neue Studie zeigt, wie CSS-Funktionen das von Nutzerinnen und Nutzern im und sogar in 's ermglichen. Durch die Analyse von Schriftarten und anderen -Elementen lassen sich detaillierte erstellen. Welche Gefahren birgt dieser digitale und wie knnen sich Nutzende schtzen


Eine neue Studie zeigt, wie CSS-Funktionen das Tracking von Nutzerinnen und Nutzern im Web und sogar in E-Mails ermglichen.

Was in Mails mglich ist, ist sicherlich auch auf Websites mglich

Collecting Spy Sheets: erlaubt User- in E-Mails iX Magazin

On our sites, sometimes you see the same ads from our ad server. Why Is it because we track you No, its because of mathematical probability and nothing more. No one here has time to look at all these data so we dont bother creating any.

The Science & Technology Chronicles. . . . .January 6th, 2025 Vol II Number 1

-reported -arc -12


Users can be tracked in their emails using CSS. Senders of emails can collect data and thus draw conclusions about the system used. This is shown by a study conducted by the CISPA Helmholtz Centre for Information Security:

Nachdem ich nun seit geraumer Zeit meine Filme und Serien mit SofaTime tracke, habe ich gestern nach einem Buch-Tracker gesucht.
Gewonnen hat die IOS App BookBuddy.

:BoostOK: For those of you who use mood trackers, for how long have you been tracking

:BoostOK: For those of you who use mood trackers, how many times a day do you log

Ich kauf' aus Prinzip kein Fahrzsug der EG-Fahrzeugklasse M1 dass nach 2016 hergestellt wurde, weil ich kein Bock auf -shice () habe!

Mozilla tells us about : NOT.

See that and runs Alphabet tracking.

Check with tool

, der mit meinen (, , , , , ,

Here's a little simple sentimental thing out the archives for Friday, done circa 2012 as a little to my pals at Bitfellas (Alien/atx2010 + Brainwalker + CONS in particular) and entered into the multichannel module compo at Sundown where it won...

...Not a chiptune for a change, sounds are from my Korg X5D + Roland Jupiter 4 x

Anyone know why and how SO MANY CHARACTERS can be in a URL In general I may think the URL has trackers or some sort of data collection added to it if there is a download, but this is pretty darn heft. I have not even opened this file to read it as the PDF file. Ideas

Pondering force adding technology to those who can't consent, i.e. our pets:

Many years ago we had gps/gsm 'pod trackers' for the dogs: nice design but gps gobbles battery, so always needed charging and using telco means subscriptions (our initial versions had free time included). So, what are the alternatives

Requirements: long battery life (because sods law says they'll escape when you forgot to charge something), non $lol subscription pricing (if any), waterproof

... users have even less control when ad tech providers use permanent and immutable identifiers, like those derived based on device fingerprinting, since there's no central place for users to manage those //

Google Is Allowing Device Fingerprinting

Lukasz Olejnik writes about device fingerprinting, and why Googles policy change to allow it in 2025 is a majo...

Man sollte vermutlich sehr viel nachdenken, bevor man ein von kauft.

"The fact that the CEO of a car company or someone working on his behalf canand didremotely unlock a specific vehicle and has the means of tracking its location as well as what Musk described as the vehicles telemetry is not surprising given everything we have learned about newer vehicles and Teslas in particular."

Nerd flex challenge: post a screenshot showing when you disabled your Google Maps location history. Mine: Over 5 years ago. No GIMP or F12 cheaters allowed!

To find it, go to Googledotcom Manage your account Data & privacy Things youve done and places youve been Timeline Off

While you're there, disable and delete other stuff, too.

I built a new blogging platform

No or

Blogs render everwhere. Even terminal :)

Start a blog in 2025.

Not a blogger Sign up anyway. Support a web without deceitful tech.

Tell you friends )

Criminologist says Canada should better track foreign student departures
A Canadian criminologist who once worked on inland immigration enforcement for the Canada Border Services Agency says Canada needs to better track foreign nationals who arrive in the country on student visas.

Volkswagen lekt exacte locatiegegevens van honderdduizenden auto's:
Een auto fabrikant zou dit soort gegevens uberhaubt niet mogen vezamelen!

Browser fingerprinting should have been forbidden for such use years ago. Horror: tracking without cookies enabled.

"(...)Google announced to organisations that use its advertising products, it will no longer prohibit them from employing fingerprinting techniques. Fingerprinting involves the collection of pieces of information about a devices software or hardware, which, when combined, can uniquely identify a particular device and user. "

Hi folks. Please help get the word out!

, my blogging service, is now generally available. No invite needed!

No or

first, read anywhere (even ), , bring your own

My blog

I hope LMNO gets you blogging in 2025!

Please help me get the word out

Auch nett:
Ich hab schon seit langem keinen von den und von angeklickt.
Schwupp bekommste keinen newsletter mehr.

Wer nicht will, dass ihm gelesen wird, kann den Laden zu machen.

Was ist eigentlich mit dem unsglichen Gibt es dafr vielleicht eine clevere Lsung

Ich habe dort eigentlich eine Sperre eingerichtet, aber womglich versehentlich fr die ein oder andere Website eine Ausnahmezustimmung erteilt - so ist der Mist ja wohl bewusst designed.

Diese einzelnen Freigaben sind bestimmt passiert, werden mir aber nirgends angezeigt.

Ich habe jetzt die generelle Sperre aufgehoben und neu gesetzt - ist damit fr 1 Jahr wieder alles gesperrt

Bluesky. This is the number of tracking attempts blocked in just looking at a handful of BS posts.

Lower Laptop Visibility To Attackers / Tracking

Microphone / WiFi / Bluetooth / Webcam

Tracking species of special interest - more highlights from the journal Animal Biotelemetry 2024:

8.1 Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser o. oxyrinchus):
Spatiotemporal patterns in habitat use of natal and non-natal adult Atlantic sturgeon in two spawning rivers. S White et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:9 (2024)

8.2 Polar bears (Ursus maritimus):
Telemetry without collars: performance of fur- and ear-mounted satellite tags for evaluating the movement and behaviour of polar bears. TR Ross et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:18 (2024).

8.3 wild Atlantic post-smolt salmon (Salmo salar):
Depth use of wild Atlantic salmon post-smolts migrating through fjords. HB Bjerck et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:34 (2024).

and previously highlighted:
8.4 Basking shark telemetry:
Assessing the potential of acoustic telemetry to underpin the regional management of basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus). J Thorburn et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:20 (2024).

Animal Biotelemetry is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes the results of studies utilizing telemetric techniques (including biologgers) to understand physiological, behavioural, and ecological mechanisms in a broad range of environments (e.g. terrestrial, freshwater and marine) and taxa. The journal also welcomes descriptions and validations of newly developed tagging techniques and tracking technologies, as well as methods for analyzing telemetric data.

Impacts of tagging:
more paper highlights from Animal Biotelemetry 2024, this set of papers looks into effects of tags or tagging on subjects or data collected, or review the suitability of devices:

7.1 Tagging effects on Pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus)
Effects of capture and GPS-tagging in spring on migration timing and reproduction in Pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus. KHT Schreven et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:10 (2024)

7.2 Tracking migratory shorebirds:
A review of electronic devices for tracking small and medium migratory shorebirds. LA Gould et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:11 (2024)

7.3 Tracking snakes:
External transmitter attachment in snakes: a systematic review of methods, efficacy, and impacts. T Christensen & J Fantuzzi. Animal Biotelemetry 12:14 (2024)

7.4 GPS tags on waterfowl:
Can waterfowl buffer the mortality risk induced by GPS tags A cautionary tale for applied inference across species. CM Setash et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:26 (2024)

I wish more studies included proper controls in terms of effects on subjects and effects on data (biases). We always have to start with the assumption that unless disproven there will be effects and biases. Absence of effects will have to be demonstrated for species, sex, life history stage, device, season, etc..

You tracked what How
Biotelemetry on unusual subjects -
more paper highlights from Animal Biotelemetry in 2024, as always all are Open Access:

6.1 Sea stars (Asteroidea):
An evaluation of acoustic telemetry as a method to study the movements of Asteroidea (Asterias rubens). J-B Nadalini et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:8 (2024)

6.2 Pangolin (Smutsia temmickii):
Classification of African ground pangolin behaviour based on accelerometer readouts: validation of bio-logging methods. J Harvey-Carroll et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:22 (2024)

6.3 Common octopus (Octopus vulgaris):
First insights into the spatial behaviour of Octopus vulgaris in the wild using acoustic telemetry. K Papadopoulo et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:16 (2024)

6.4 Bees: African stingless bee (Meliponula Bocandei and Dactylurina staudingeri):
Hyperspectral lidar for monitoring high-resolution activity patterns of African stingless bee species.
H Mnefjord et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:15 (2024)

6.5 Galapagos giant tortoises (Chelonoidis donfaustoi):
Using non-continuous accelerometry to identify cryptic nesting events of Galapagos giant tortoises. EB Donovan et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:32 (2024)

6.6 Caimans (Caiman latirostris):
Habitat use and movement patterns of broad-snouted caimans (Caiman latirostris) in an impacted Atlantic forest environment in Brazil. PB Mascarenhas-Junior et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:31 (2024)

6.7 Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin):
Conservation implications of habitat selection by nesting diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) investigated via an automated radio telemetry system. BA Williamson et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:35 (2024)

What a range of taxa, sizes, environments, questions - some truly amazing studies!


Paper highlights in Animal Biotelemetry 2024:

5. Basking shark telemetry:
Assessing the potential of acoustic telemetry to underpin the regional management of basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus). J Thorburn et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:20 (2024).

From the abstract: "Acoustic telemetry can provide valuable space-use data for a range of marine species. Yet the deployment of species-specific arrays over vast areas to gather data on highly migratory vertebrates poses formidable challenges, often rendering it impractical. To address this issue, we pioneered the use of acoustic telemetry on basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) to test the feasibility of using broadscale, multi-project acoustic receiver arrays to track the movements of this species of high conservation concern through the coastal waters of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland."

Notably (my opinion) this is another example of a project-specific use of a proprietary system that may not be able to detect acoustic transmitters using different encoding, so check out the other paper highlight that I tooted about earlier:

Open Protocols, the new standard for acoustic tracking: results from interoperability and performance tests in European waters. E Aspillaga et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:40 (2024).

Paper highlights in Animal Biotelemetry 2024:

4. Technology for monitoring fish behavior in relation to offshore marine developments:
Performance of a fine-scale acoustic positioning system for monitoring temperate fish behavior in relation to offshore marine developments. ON Shipley et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:36 (2024).

From the abstract: "Rapid global expansion of offshore wind farms, tidal, and wave technologies signifies a new era of renewable energy development. While a promising means to combat the impacts of climate change, such developments necessitate fine-scale monitoring of biological communities to determine impacts associated with construction, operation, and eventual decommission."
The authors evaluate array performance of a gridded acoustic tracking system. Notably (my opinion) this is an example of a local-scale proprietary system, so check out the other paper highlight that I tooted about earlier:

Open Protocols, the new standard for acoustic tracking: results from interoperability and performance tests in European waters. E Aspillaga et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:40 (2024).

Like all papers in Animal Biotelemetry, this is Open Access

Paper highlights in Animal Biotelemetry 2024:

3. Impact of body size on PIT tag retention:
A novel indicator to assess PIT tag retention in an aquatic amphibian: impact of body size. JM Hutton et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:37 (2024).

From the abstract: "The comprehensive study of organisms is often hindered by the difficulty of consistently capturing, detecting, and tracking all life stages and age classes..... In this study, we developed a novel indicator to assess the field retention status of PIT tags inserted into the tail tissue of S. intermedia." (the lesser siren)....

Open Access, like all publications in Animal Biotelemetry

Paper highlights in Animal Biotelemetry 2024:

2. PIT tags in fisheries research:
Independent testing of PIT tags for fisheries research: a framework for standardization and performance evaluation. B Beckley et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:38 (2024).

From the abstract: "This study aimed to document a comprehensive testing framework for PIT tags as a model for the broader biotelemetry community and to showcase how independent evaluations can validate the performance of new PIT tag offerings against established regional performance criteria. Independent testing and adherence to regionally applied standards were key components of this effort."

Like all publications in Animal Biotelemetry, this is Open Access

Paper highlights in Animal Biotelemetry 2024:

1. Just out:
Open Protocols, the new standard for acoustic tracking: results from interoperability and performance tests in European waters. E Aspillaga et al. Animal Biotelemetry 12:40 (2024).

This addresses a really important issue: so much money and effort is put into the deployment and servicing of marine acoustic tracking receivers, yet most of these cannot pick up transmissions from all deployed, prim arily due to the proprietary nature of transmission encoding. Implementing open protocols would greatly enhance the detectability across platforms, and thus the usefulness of any tracking and monitoring effort.

Like all publications in Animal Biotelemetry, this is Open Access

Einfach nur krass. Da lob ich mir den . im DB Navigator hin oder her.

Ich trau denen irgendwie nicht mehr.
Zuviel russisch drin und proprietr.

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