Track the members of your group.  

Falls euch dieses - in Mails

Falls euch dieses - in Mails auch nervt: Die original URL steckt im Link und lsst sich rauspopeln. medmunds hat dazu vor einiger Zeit mal etwas geschrieben, ich hab den relevanten Part in ein standalone Python-Script bertragen.

Technische Details:

Is there a web that takes into account for ranking result lists Relevant friendly sites listed on the top.

Is it time for you to start using a VPN Here's a quintet of reasons why the answer may be yes.

Scientists have created a non-invasive movement tracking method called GlowTrack that uses fluorescent dye markers to train artificial intelligence to capture movement, from a single mouse digit to the human hand. GlowTrack has applications spanning biology, robotics, medicine, and beyond.

Datenschtzer: Hohe Anforderungen an Einkaufswagen mit App-Entsperrung

Netto testet ein System, mit dem sich der fahrbare Warenkorb per Smartphone entriegeln lsst. Ein Kontrolleur erlutert, was der Discounter dabei beachten muss.

Duolingo crowned as undisputed champion of tracking

Researchers listed 32 potential data points that language apps are, or might be, collecting. Duolingo, with over 500 million registered users and over 60 million monthly active users, collects 19 data points, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers

This has likely been going on longer than we might realize. They archive data on a zillion people.

"Police Are Tracking Down Suspects With Google User Data: Big Take Podcast"

How To Turn Off Googles Privacy Sandbox Ad Trackingand Why You Should

How To Turn Off Googles Privacy Sandbox and Why You Should

Why are websites requesting access to motion sensors... on my desktop

How useless is this No location data. A five day gap in the tracking. And do you really need 30 digits to identify a package Thats over a billion billion numbers for every person on Earth.

Track your Group

Finally sold my soul to the object illuminati and bought a 4 pack of trackers.

Initial impressions are:
- wow they are LOUD
- how and when you can track your tile is not communicated well. Tile is basically Airtags lite but the app behaves like it's a fancy whistling keychain
- why the heck can't I change the battery on any of the 3 types in the pack
- they are very "hey, we track X's products" but it's only 10 products that aren't even this year's model

So far though, seems legit. The use case here is tracking our bags while we travel overseas, so seems legit - like I want global-4G-GPS-trackers, but I'm also cheap.

Das Projekt privacy is sexy stellt verschiedene Skripte zur Verfgung, mit denen nicht nur die Datensammlung von Windows reduziert, sondern auch unntige Bloatware oder nicht genutzte Dienste deaktiviert werden knnen. Die Befehle werden kopiert/heruntergeladen und dann ber das Windows-Terminal ausgefhrt. Bei Bedarf knnen die nderungen auch wieder rckgngig gemacht werden.

enforces user activity on site to push revenue "Privacy is going to take a turn in the wrong direction for Reddit users who have opted-out of ad personalization in the past and do not live in a country exempt from the new ruling." I've been using LibReddit/Teddit for about a year, though I can't sign in with it.

's malincompetence continues: hey let's get rid of the opt-out entirely!

GOOD! A great example of 'just because we can doesn't mean we should.'

"New York bans facial recognition in schools after report finds risks outweigh potential benefits"

"New York state banned the use of facial recognition technology in schools Wednesday, following a report that concluded the risks to student privacy and civil rights outweigh potential security benefits."

Tweet von Mike Kuketz (kuketzblog) um 27. Sept - In der Pi-hole Installationsanleitung habe ich noch folgende Punkte ergnzt:
- 7.4 Schreibzugriffe auf SD-Karte minimieren
- 7.5 Automatische Updates: System und Pi-hole

Viel Spa mit den Ergnzungen!

Beware: Substack newsletter links may contain spyware, malware and viruses

In der Pi-hole Installationsanleitung habe ich noch folgende Punkte ergnzt:
- 7.4 Schreibzugriffe auf SD-Karte minimieren
- 7.5 Automatische Updates: System und Pi-hole

Viel Spa mit den Ergnzungen!

should outright block third-party cookies in iframes right now to mitigate side-channel attack. However, I fear that this won't happen, mainly due to Google trying to sell their "Enhanced Ad Privacy" as a solution. I'd love to be proven wrong here.

"This New Autonomous Drone for Cops Can Track You in the Dark"

"Startup Skydio says its powerful new drone for public safety can reduce the need for high-speed chases. Civil liberties groups warn that few rules govern police use of drones."

"China Puts Evergrandes Billionaire Founder Under Police Control"

A significant book

Your face belongs to us
Kashmir Hill

Just watching an interview on BBC.
Holy shte%.

Regarding the of and a whole lot more

Astonishing. Outrageous.

"Welcome to our ad-free, tracking-free version of this site."

What it should say,

"Fuck off, you disallowed cookies, so we will just show you this utterly
nonsense page with nothing on it."

Well f*ck off yourself, don't need your shitty site.

sehe ich das richtig, das ist ( ) bei , krass.

Einrichtung eines Pi-hole als werbe- und trackerfreies DNS-Filter-System im Heimnetzwerk, inklusive Installation, Konfiguration und Anpassungen.

Zielgruppe: Einsteiger bis Fortgeschrittene. Bitte teilen!

Duolingo was crowned as the undisputed champion of tracking. I just cancelled my subscription and am deleting my account

Staatstrojaner "Predator" auf gyptischen Prsidentschaftsbewerber angesetzt Security

Im not quite sure what those GET parameters mean but you (and Lisa) might wanna #sanitize such #URLs (for #privacy reasons and as a #GoodPractice):

instead of:

#Tracking #DataProtection

Thank you! Indeed, can do filter parameters in URLs.

However, I needed to manually activate the "AdGuard URL Tracking Protection" privacy filter, it wasn't on (and doesn't seem to be active on fresh installs either).

(I also didn't see the "skip redirect" feature in .)

Surveillance of Indian Diplomats in Canada Led to Allegations Around Sikh Killing, Official Says"

"The official said the communications involved Indian officials and Indian diplomats in Canada and that some of the intelligence was provided by a member of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance, which includes the U.S., Britain, Australia and New Zealand, in addition to Canada."

New Privacy Badger Prevents Google From Mangling More of Your Links and Invading Your Privacy

The EFF has released a new version of Privacy Badger that updates how we fight link tracking across a number of Google products. PB now removes tracking from links in Docs, Gmail, Maps, and Images results. PB now also removes tracking from links added after scrolling through Search results...

To install:

i hadn't noticed this before but now will keep looking for these identifiers and try to get rid of them ...
#computer #internet #google #youtube #berwachung #tracking

Sanitize your youtube links!
Stolen from gryphoneer

Warum kann ich es dann auf dem abwhlen

Ist meine Zustimmung ist eine BEDINGUNG

De hongerige uil van Duolingo verzamelt meeste data.


Websites can just decide not tu use or since the only "technically necessary" would be a /#Session-Cookie.

Also Websites could just their ...

Staying Ahead of the Elements: The Best Weather Apps for Your Forecasting Needs

Is there any way to access or websites without accepting cookies