Es ist schon bemerkenswert, dass K-9 Mail zum beliebtesten Open-Source-E-Mail-Client auf Android geworden ist - ganz ohne Telemetriedaten zu sammeln.
Offenbar funktioniert es also auch hervorragend ohne diese Datenerfassung.
Cover Your Tracks is a tool that analyzes how well your web browser and add-ons protect you against online tracking techniques.
Results show how trackers see your browser and how identifiable it is.
How trackers work:
Browser fingerprinting:
This is also an ongoing research project to uncover the tools and techniques of online trackers.
who spies on you more - ms, apple, google or amazon - ai surveillance content from rob braxman
surveillance cookie
Gmail adds revamped summary cards to help users better organize and take actions in their inbox, like tracking packages, checking in for flights, setting reminders, marking bills as paid, and more.
How to Stop Advertisers From Your Teen Across the Internet
From some of my colleagues in the VISINT research group at LIST.
Thunderbird fr Android ist als Beta-Version (8.0b1) verfgbar. Ich habe mir die Beta-Version mal kurz angeschaut und wurde direkt enttuscht. Unmittelbar nach dem Start bermittelt Thunderbird fr Android Telemetriedaten an Mozilla
How to Stop From Your Across the Internet
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Just to be clear, clicking a link to "verify your identity" and then putting the received message number into an access field does nothing but confirm someone is using that phone. It's illusory, insulting, and a waste of valuable time.
is actually a *software* by , designed to create an image-oriented social network.
When a generous person installs onto their public server and let people create an account, this server is called an *instance* connected to the **.
In addition, Pixelfed is : its licence gives many rights including auditing the code.
Meta won't ever let you inspect their code, but we know there is many "features".
Die Webseiten geben sich immer grere Mhe die laut DSGVO vorgeschriebene Mglichkeit zum Ablehnen zu verstecken. In dem Fall ganz dreist hinter dem "Mehr" versteckt. Man knnte denken es sei nur ein Link zu einer Textwand.
PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting in November and they're certainly banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start:
go to Settings > Data & Privacy > Manage shared info > Personalized shopping, and toggle that shit off
Track your Group
Two days ago Strava came out with their "Quick edit" feature that is actually nothing new. They claim that it will simplify renaming activities to get more likes but that's not what the "simple edit" is about. It's about renaming activities to train AI.
Some apps will call a run Morges Run, or Nyon Cycle or Gruyre walk but Strava, until now has called runs "morning, afternoon, evening or other. Finding old runs, with strava is very hard, if you want to find by location, distance or sport. This is despite them feeding their AI models since May.
They use language like "This TOS is for your privacy" and "for your good" and we have to blindly accept, without any choice in the matter. Due to this change I deleted the app from my phone and revoked all the sharing options that had been active between strava and other apps.
There was a time when I was a paying customer of Strava's. I paid until they got VC funding. I usually stop being a client of sites that get VC funding because that's when we go from being valued clients to cash cows. That's when we go from funding a site and service we use to being pawns for the VC funders.The latest change isn't about us. It's about making the model more interesting for data farming. They disguise it as caring for privacy when the opposite is true.
During the pandemic, when I was walking around local loops I lost all interest in Strava. Strava went from being a self-sustaining project to being a VC funded project. It went from being about 60 CHF per year to 80 CHF per year and useful features that were free were paywalled. In so doing they raised the barrier to entry, but they also lowered the usefulness of the site.
Garmin Connect is free, once you have a watch. Apple Fitness is "free" with the watch. Nike Run is free, Sportstracker is 30 CHF per year, Adidas run is I don't know how expensive. Suunto is free, with a Suunto device, but plays nicely with SportsTracker.
And Finally
I think it's a shame that Strava is in such a dominant position at the moment because Komoot, AllTrails and Garmin Connect, to name a few are interesting too. If privacy controls on other apps were better then I would share my workouts publicly but hide the start and end points when from home, an office or other. I think Strava has lost its way and we should diversify app use.
#apps #fitness #strava #tracking
hit with complaint in over tech TechCrunch
Dringende Sehempfehlung fr alle, die ein haben: der Vortrag Staatliche berwachung: Erfahrungen und Beispiele aus der Praxis von Marco B. bei den .
Was ich noch gar nicht kannte, war .
Weitere Tipps bekommt ihr auf dieser Instanz bei .
Wenn Staatsanwaltschaften fr Terrorismus und fr staatsfeindlich halten, mssen sich auch rechtschaffene Brger:innen gegen staatliche berwachung wehren. Manche Polizist:innen geben jetzt schon eure Daten an Nazis weiter. Verschlsselt alle Daten, sonst werden sie sptestens nach der nchsten NS-Machtergreifung gegen euch verwendet!
Flaw in Kias web portal let researchers track, cars
Apple muss sich verkleinertem Datenschutz-Prozess stellen
Apple sieht sich weiterhin einer Klage wegen angeblicher Verletzungen der Privatsphre von Nutzer:innen durch das Sammeln persnlicher Daten ber firmeneigene Apps wie den App S
Immer wieder lustig, solche Artikel dann ausgerechnet auf Heise zu lesen, was selbst wirklich komplett verseucht mit ist. Aber die sind da offenbar komplett schmerzbefreit.
appointed have chipped away at the s cases against rioters & several other threats loom that could further erode the largest & most complex federal probe in history.
Many of DOJs recent cases have relied on a warrant to using devices location to ID people inside the restricted area of the Capitol on . But the recently found geofence warrants are unconstitutional.
I've just updated my de-redirection tool: this fix stops slashdot from sending it to a 404 page, adds some new disinformation, and no longer opens links in a new tab.
Try it with a shortened link to see what kind of tracking gets added on, or use it with tracking variables to see it mess with tracking/analytics data.
Frher hie es "Vor dem 'aber' steht die Lge.".
Heute heit es "Vor dem 'Wir und unsere 987 Partner' steht die Lge". Und sie lautet meist "Ihre Privatsphre ist uns wichtig."
Mozilla Firefox trackt User: Datenerfassungsfunktion lst Datenschutzbedenken aus
Watching TV with the Second-Party: A First Look at Automatic Content Recognition Tracking in Smart TVs
Device tracking that works across more than one platform is part of Tile's offering already, but the latest gadgets bring an SOS button with the potential for roadside assistance.
Warum zur Hlle bekomme ich bei fr Privatjets!
Das "personalisierte " von den muss ziemlich schlecht sein, wenn glaubt, ich wrde zur Zielgruppe von Privatjets gehren.
Erstens habe ich dafr gar nicht genug Geld, und zweitens WILL ich gar nicht mit dem Flugzeug/Privatjet rumfliegen!
"Today, noyb filed a complaint against Mozilla for quietly enabling a supposed privacy feature (called Privacy Preserving Attribution) in its Firefox browser. Contrary to its reassuring name, this technology allows Firefox to track user behaviour on websites. In essence, the browser is now controlling the tracking, rather than individual websites. While this might be an improvement compared to even more invasive cookie tracking, the company never asked its users if they wanted to enable it. Instead, Mozilla decided to turn it on by default once people installed a recent software update. This is particularly worrying because Mozilla generally has a reputation for being a privacy-friendly alternative when most other browsers are based on Googles Chromium."
Dienste sammeln tglich 1 Million an Nutzerdaten
Derzeit wird beschuldigt, Firefox-Nutzer ohne Erlaubnis zu tracken. Wie gro das Ausma des Datensammelns ist, zeigt eine aktuelle Kaspersky-Analyse.
Weve listened to your feedback! Updates to in version 14.6 are coming next week. The % Complete field is now manually editable again, plus new admin options for more flexibible progress tracking.
If you use our progress tracking, we advise reading this detailed article from our product team:
nnu vrre om (som det lter p inledningen av artikeln) ngon obehrig kan registrera en annan persons fordon p sitt konto och den vgen f pushnotiser om var den riktiga garen/brukaren av fordonet sannolikt befinner sig.
Slr vad om att det str ngonstans i tjnstevillkoren att man inte fr gra s, men det hjlper ju noll och intet innan skadan r skedd. Och ett registreringsnummer r ju inte s svrt att f tag p i offentlighetsprincipens Sverige.
EasyPark-appen verkar lmna en del att nska vad gller skerhet och integritet ...
Die gute, smarte Welt.
Nutzer-Tracking: reicht Beschwerde gegen den Firefox-Browser ein
Die Datenschutzorganisation noyb hat bei der sterreichischen Datenschutzbehrde (DSB) eine Beschwerde gegen das mit 128 eingefhrte Nutzer-Tracking eingereicht.
Don't be a Data Cow
-Beschwerde: geht gegen Mozillas -Funktion in :firefox: vor heise online
Wenn eine Seite durch Anti Tracking- und Werbungunterdrckung sich nicht mehr normal bedienen lasst, was sagt das ber diese Seite aus Ich werde damit leben mssen oder es in Zukunft meiden.
I sometimes think that no one cares about online privacy, which makes me really sad, then I read this from - good to know!
So maybe people DO care, but just feel like they can't do much about it
reicht Beschwerde gegen die krzlich eingefhrte "datenschutzwahrende Werbe-Messung" (PPA) im bei der sterreichischen Datenschutzbehrde ein.
Nicht -konform: reicht Beschwerde gegen -Nutzer- ein
soll Nutzer- angeblich datenschutzfreundlicher gestalten. aktiviert es allerdings ohne Zustimmung und Information. ...