Track the members of your group.  

Einfach nur erschreckend!

Einfach nur erschreckend!

Was sagt eigentlich der dazu

Und liebe , wann kommt bei euch und der Verzicht auf YouTube

Beste zorgverzekering,

Er is een reden waarom ik jaren geleden een mailapp gekocht heb die afrekent met trackingpixels en andere verborgen zaken zichtbaar maakt.


Car Can Enable Domestic Abuse. Turning It Off Is Easier Said Than Done

"A person with remote access to a vehicle via smartphone app can turn a car on or off, record video, lock or unlock the doors, and track a car in real time or see where the car has been in the past."

(This is on top of the issues plaguing modern ("smart") cars. These "features" are not easily disabled... data collected can be shared with third parties...)

Tot nu toe heb ik voorkomen dat 2332 advertenties en trackers het thuisnetwerk konden bereiken door gebruik van AdGuard Home! ()

AdGuard Home heeft vandaag 28759 DNS-verzoeken afgehandeld! ()

-based is an efficient tool for A in the

Wastewater-based surveillance of the influenza A virus RNA is an independent from individual testing method and cost-efficiently reflects the circulation of the virus in the entire population.

AdGuard Home heeft vandaag 29897 DNS-verzoeken afgehandeld! ()

Tot nu toe heb ik voorkomen dat 3749 advertenties en trackers het thuisnetwerk konden bereiken door gebruik van AdGuard Home! ()

Met behulp van 346200 regels heeft AdGuard Home 11.62 % van de DNS-verzoeken gefilterd op advertenties. ()

oh, the irony!


Met behulp van 346200 regels heeft AdGuard Home 8.94 % van de DNS-verzoeken gefilterd op advertenties. ()

"Federal Grants (to local LE) Send Warzone Tech To USA Streets" To Tracking Wireless / Bluetooth Signals & More

(self driving tech also carries plenty to offer)

Yet another reminder: the very tech developed & many support for overseas use, eventually makes its way back home

No company calls it quits after war - they localize, lobby PD

da wrde ich mir keine Gedanken machen.
Gerade und funktionieren mit . auch aber die nerven mit Anmeldung und ausblenden von Steuer Symbolen.

Noch nerviger wird es beim schauen von in einen denn dann muss man sich jedesmal neu anmelden und die Anmeldung wird manchmal mit leeren Seiten belohnt. Aber es klappt dann. will halt Systemweites haben und reagiert auf Strungen nicht gut.

13.4M Members' Data to Online

code used for keeping tabs on how members navigated through the giant's online and mobile sites was oversharing a concerning amount of information.

Car Manufacturers Betrayed Customers By Sharing Location Without Warrant -- After Some Pledged Not To

Met behulp van 345529 regels heeft AdGuard Home 7.68 % van de DNS-verzoeken gefilterd op advertenties. ()

Some days its the little things. From this day forward, I will exit, not buy from, or consult any that doesnt give me a clear reject all button, makes it difficult to find the rejection options, uses confusing tactics (e.g., puts accept all where youd expect a negative response).

Smartphones on Wheels Draw Attention From Regulators

Modern are internet-connected and have hundreds of . Lawmakers and regulators have concerns about whats happening with all that data.

USA: Versicherer gab Millionen Patientendaten an Google, Microsoft und X heise online

Apples latest clash with the EU has left European Safari users potentially vulnerable to web activity tracking.

A new version of Sofa is out and its got great new features - lots of flexibility to track nearly everything. More importantly, if youre not into that level of customization, the new features dont get in the way. Ive been consolidating all my later lists into Sofa and its so much nice than dealing with a bunch of separate apps.

OS home screen is getting video for the first tim

Roku CEO Anthony Wood disclosed plans to introduce video ads to the Roku OS home screen. The news highlights Rokus growing focus on and an alarming trend in the industry that sees ads increasingly forced on viewers.

USA: Versicherer gab Millionen Patientendaten an Google, Microsoft und X

Das knnte bei uns hnlich stehen, wenn man sich die Apps der Kassen, Banken etc anschaut...

fines big three carriers $196M for selling users real-time data Ars Technica

FCC finalizes $196M penalties for location-data sales revealed in 2018.

Vor ein paar Jahren sah ich mich gentigt, der zu erklren, dass es ein absolutes Unding ist, auf einer Banking-Website einzusetzen. Ich konnte damals zeigen, dass google meine Bankverbindung bekam, die in einer URL stand. Das haben sie dann zumindest hinter einen consent-banner gepackt (schlimm genug, dass sie es berhaupt behalten haben).
Und heute nervt mich die HASPA mit . Leute, ich will einfach nur eine gute Bank, OK

Cool! Wann gibt es das auf Ist es Open-Source

Und vielleicht liest das jemand, der mit mehr Erfahrung hat und die App ev. lokal analysieren kann. Die Webseite meldet mir zurck:
"Unable to download the APK"

Denn kostenlos und werbefrei ist schon mal super, aber das heit noch lange nicht frei, und auch wenn ich da dem UBA nicht misstraue, kommt es ja leider vor, dass trotz bester Absichten Tracker ihren Weg in Apps finden.


I created an URL Cleaner to remove URL
It does not track you. Download the page with your browser and it works locally (except for the info icon ).

commercial propaganda data arm to inform, search, find and view on Reuters but not leave your own data as a trace. No tracking because no cookies and low data as without JavaScript, this does not slow down the information unnecessarily. I use it over the browser plugin automatically (see above).

Here is a little bit to read regarding our services etc.

There will be also something coming along soon that gives you the ability to inspect your devices/networks.

It's based on:

Nur in der EU: auf ermglicht Device

I hate the and explicitly opted out of that shite because not only does it infirnge on my privacy (I'll never drive or own a Car with as a matter of principle!) but also shit like this will only be abused to screw over customers instead.

The only people here driving pickup trucks are farmers, rural veterinarians, horse owners/caretakers and professional gardeners or other contractors that shove sit-on lawnmovers, filthy tools and gravel on the bed.

The companies have masterfully muddled the definitions of advertisement and , making them indistinguishable for a typical person. I see the tax being compared to the Premium all the time, so let me explain the difference and why one of them is unlawful in the eyes of .


In Guadalajara municipal garbage collection service trucks have GPS/GNSS navigators. Processed in :qgis: Here in real time:

A kind request (and a reminder to myself): Please check the website for trackers, Google and other nasty things before you post a link. Not everybody is familiar with ad-blockers and other privacy enhancements.
Thank you on behalf of all of us!

Da die ebenfalls auf setzt, hier ein passender Werbeplakat.

A piece of software dubbed googerteller designed for his Linux computer that emits a scratchy beep when the computer detects information flowing out from his computer to one of Google's computers.

It's not only about the data transfer itself. Imagine the amount of network traffic required when this happens to everyone active online. And the storage and CPU power required to process it all.

Article is from 2022 Autumn.
Imagine if this software was implemented on peoples phones and computers, how quick would people take to revolt against online trackers

Mam szybkie pytanie. Jak to wyglda z Waszej perspektywy.

Piszecie o tym, e strony pastwowe zawieraj zagraniczne trackery ledzce poczynania Polakw, a interesuje mnie, jak to wyglda w przypadku sektora bankowego.

Zgodnie z polskim prawem, kady bank jest instytucj finansow podlegajc Prawu bankowemu. Jednake, wikszo bankw udostpnia aplikacje mobilne, ktre wymagaj Usug Google do poprawnego funkcjonowania, a niektre nawet nie uruchomi si bez nich.

Dlaczego bank wymaga ode mnie zainstalowania oprogramowania od amerykaskiego Big Techu

Dlaczego bank wymaga ode mnie uycia konkretnego systemu operacyjnego (z preinstalowanymi Usugami Google)

Obecnie sprawa jest jasna: albo uywasz na naszych restrykcyjnych zasadach, albo w ogle.

Czy istnieje moliwo prawnego zobowizania bankw do rezygnacji z takich praktyk, na przykad za pomoc ustawy, podobnie jak w przypadku trackerw na stronach

P.S. To samo z wykrywaniem roota, odblokowanego bootloadera w smartfonie i wieloma innymi bolczkami, z ktrymi spotkay si osoby, ktre chc korzysta z penego potencjau urzdzenia, za ktre zreszt zapaciy. Ale to ju inny temat.

Nice! for iOS just got updated to support the new "marketplace-kit" scheme. Brave only calls the scheme when trackers blocking is disabled. As we reported earlier, Apple implemented the new scheme in a way that allows tracking across websites based on the unique clientid.

Now users in the EU can use Brave to safely install alternative marketplaces. We would like to thank Brave for considering our advice about potential .

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