Track the members of your group.  

EFF: New Privacy Badger Prevents Google

EFF: New Privacy Badger Prevents Google From Mangling More of Your Links and Invading Your Privacy
Google still jonesing for your data.

Open Source Tracker Keeps an Eye on Furry Friends

Open Source Tracker Keeps an Eye on Furry Friends

Startpage-Privatsphre-Browser-Add-on -

Track your Group

FTC Warns Tax Prep Companies Against Invasive Online Tracking
by Colin Lecher colinlecher at themarkup

Google is reportedly working on a new Tracking Protection section to the Settings menu in Chrome to help users more easily navigate a variety of tools designed to help protect them against web tracking.

EFF is improving Privacy Badger specifically to combat google.
Eventually much of Privacy Badgers features were built into Firefox and the rest covered by uBlockorigin.
Now i may grab it again.

New Prevents From Mangling More of Your Links and Invading Your
released a new version of Privacy Badger that updates how they fight link tracking across a number of Google products. With this update Privacy Badger removes from links in , , , and results. Privacy Badger now also removes tracking from links added after scrolling through Google Search results.

This guide teaches you how to get the most benefit from the Google Chrome price tracking feature.

Very nice.

URLs in can be stripped of all tracking information appended to the end of the URL so that websites cannot track your browsing using URL identifiers. This function is enabled automatically for private browsing in iOS 17, but it can be turned on for all browsing.

Jetzt hat sie auch einen Namen bekommen ...

: Spyware kommt ber Online-Werbung heise online

Ich habe wirklich nur den Titel gelesen und gleich an gedacht ...
Das Internet hat mich schon sehr verdorben :mastocheeky: :mastojoy: :mastolol:

Ohne Mnze und Chip: Netto testet Einkaufswagen mit App-Entsperrung heise online

Which DNS resolver would you choose Please comment other / better / why

Status AdBlocker: enabled

Israelische infiziert Gerte ber Werbung -

TikTok is tracking employee back-to-office attendance with new internal tool called MyRTO

...this week, the company notified employees it was unveiling its new internal tracking software designed to "provide greater clarity and context to both employees and leaders regarding their RTO expectations and in-office schedules, and help foster more transparent communications"...

Ausblick: Ich arbeite gerade an einem aktuellen Tutorial fr Pi-hole auf einem Raspberry Pi. Dieser wird ins Heimnetzwerk eingebunden und die Fritz!Box als vorgeschalteter DNS-Server verwendet. HowTo mit Beschreibung, warum das Setup sinnvoll ist, wird demnchst erscheinen.

First weekend of class, round 3.

Today we explored lots of poop. It continues to amuse me that beaver poop is basically compressed sawdust. Of course it is.

And I misidentified a mountain lion track as a domestic dog, which is hilarious because people are always doing the opposite.

throws $93M to make location lawsuit disappear "As we often note when these sorts of stories happen, Google's fine equates to around half a percent of its Q2 2023 net income of $18 billion." FWIW I try to keep my cheap Android phone as private as I can, using it without an account and replacing Google apps with FLOSS whenever possible.

: russischer Journalistin in Deutschland mit infiziert heise online

Original study:

T. Lenssen-Erz, Animal tracks and human in prehistoric rock art of the Doro! nawas mountains (), analysed by present-day experts,
18(9), 2023.

Google throws California $93M to make location tracking lawsuit disappear

Do not follow The Atlantic's dangerously muddled advice on avoiding ... In an attempt to appear moderate, they advise selectively rejecting cookies, which is labor-intensive and falls right into the trap they tell you to avoid in Rule 3.

The absolute best way to avoid trackers online is to use 1) a browser like with a strict setting that will accept but also silo cookies & cache 2) an ad-blocker like uBlock Origin 3) optionally, a reputable VPN service.

Blocking cookies actually gives websites a potent way to track you, believe it or not, because it creates an easy to identify behavioral fingerprint.

Interactive Media (Video Game) Strike Authorization 2023

SAG-AFTRAs National Board has voted unanimously to send a strike authorization vote to SAG-AFTRA members in preparation of the unions forthcoming bargaining dates with signatory video game companies

Extradited Russian Hacker Behind NLBrute Malware Pleads Guilty Source: &LawEnforcement &IdentityTheft

Extradited Russian Hacker Behind NLBrute Malware Pleads Guilty &LawEnforcement &IdentityTheft

For all those riding - I'm deeply rooting for you.

For all those into , , , and - check out the page of this lovely event:

Best entertainment you can get from people beating wind, rain, sun, hunger, mechanicals, themselves and the time limit.

(still hope we can ride the geologist pass in Russia - I'd definitely be back at Ruska a 4th time )

Start in a few minutes

Re-Post, aber das ist einfach so wichtig!

Fr Anfnger/Bequeme: Werbung und Tracker unter iOS/Android systemweit verbannen. Eine niederschwellige Anleitung, um endlich Ruhe zu haben - ohne viel tun zu mssen. Unbedingt empfehlenswert!

Episode 282


"Der zunehmende Datenhunger sorgt aber auch fr Widerstand von -Aktivisten. Bereits im vergangenen Jahr hatte der Verein die Deutsche verklagt, weil im Techniken zum eingebaut sind."

Est ce qu'il y a une etude srieuse sur le par ecoute de la parole

J'ai des connaissances qui se plaignent de ca. Elle disent parler d'un truc et voir ensuite des publicits associes.


to pay $93m in settlement over deceptive

My sons now old enough to get loyalty cards for supermarkets, coffee shops, and places to eat. He thinks this is great: free drinks! money off vouchers! Whats not to like On a recent car journey, I explained why the only loyalty card I use is the one for the Co-op, and introduced him to the murky world of data brokers.
In this article, Ian

If you are of a population they are you, everybody. Car, phone, MEDICAL HISTORY. If things go really bad in the US I fear they will dig into EVERYBODY'S history to find vulnerable ppl to put them in work camps. Get Hopefully Canada will let ppl in.

Nissan is tracking me. Anthem BCBS has my med info. They give a LOT to R. Phone is tracking. Gmaps shared my location with a contact. (Removed from phone.) We KNOW companies will give it up like FB.

fr 695 EUR gefllig

Gerade ein Bisschen durch den Store "geschlendert" und: Better Untis ))

gefunden, funktioniert ja mal viel besser als die standard

Kann ich jedem der es Braucht nur empfehlen!

Edit: Vorallem ohne :D

Rollbar might be good at tracking bugs, uninvited guests not so much Source:

Threat actors use Google Ads tracking templates as a loophole to create convincing Webex software search ads that redirect users to websites that distribute the BatLoader malware.

Hrempfehlung: Generation E mit Jrgen Veith, Geschftsfhrer von Zukunft-Fahrrad-Mitglied IoT Venture. Wie knnen internet-of-things-Lsungen den Alltag vieler Radfahrer:innen erleichtern Und wie sieht die Zukunft der Mobilitt eigentlich aus Antworten gibts hier

Chrome isnt fundamentally unsafe. But if youre worried about tracking, Brave is obviously the better choice, since anti-tracking tools are included and activated by default.

Nice case study by Growth.Design showing in an easy to understand way how Meta uses dark patterns to hide their shady data collection:

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