Track the members of your group.  

Android vd Linux

Android vd Linux

ohne Ende  und ein bisschen das sind die Themen in der neusten Episode des von in der Schweiz:

Simple answer to this one: absolutely not. Privacy as a service is not a road we should ever have to go down. should not be something that is bought and sold, it should be an inalienable right

Should you have to pay for online privacy

Should you have to pay for online privacy

"It's basically saying, 'We're giving people a choice. They can either pay and get ad-free access to our articles, or they can be tracked, or they can walk away and not read it,'" Philippa Donn says.

This question being considered by the ICO and others is - is that a fair choice

Jetzt benutze ich schon "ewig" das Add-on und sehe jetzt erst, dass man auch die Zustimmungen blocken kann. Genial

"A woman fed up with her packages getting stolen out of her post office box sent an Apple AirTag to the address and tracked down the suspected thief...

"Apples $29 AirTags have become popular items since their 2021 release...

"Law enforcement tracked the AirTag to a block in Santa Maria, about 16 miles (26 kilometers) from the post office and arrested two suspects"

Mhhhh... nun bin ich auch einer, der die Auslieferungsgebahren von anmeckern muss:

Packet htte laut Tracking gestern kommen sollen. Irgendwann kam seltsamer weier Lieferwagen vorgefahren - der ist aber nach wenigen Minuten weitergefahren.

Abends Meldung von : Lieferung abgebrochen, wegen Unfall, Krankheit, oder berschreitung der Arbeitszeit - gut, kann vorkommen.

1/2 is a domain associated with online tracking & advertising technologies.


It is used for serving scripts related to user , , or targeted advertising on websites.
The is used for online & user profiling purposes.
It's considered a by some privacy-focused tools & browser extensions.

If concerned about online , block it, though not typically malware or considered a direct security threat.

Yeeeessssss, endlich erfunden!
Das Paket wird praktisch gestern zugestellt...

Flight tracking service Flightaware warns users of possible data theft

Flightaware's data protection was undermined by a "configuration error". This allowed access to the personal data of registered users.

Hacked GPS tracker reveals location data of customers


Flugtracking-Dienst Flightaware warnt Nutzer vor mglichem Datendiebstahl

Durch einen "Konfigurationsfehler" wurde der Datenschutz bei Flightaware ausgehebelt. Das ermglichte den Zugriff auf persnliche Daten registrierter Nutzer.

If you are serious about plane spotting, ACARS, tracking and the like please give this account a follow. Fantastic resource and an expert at the craft The GIF is an example.

Wenigstens sind sie im Alt-Text ehrlich

The country which has large and diverse geographical extent and multicultural heritage India has a lot to offer to the adventurers. Right from the great Himalayas mountain range to the great desert sand to the green forest all the 'Adventure Places In India' all those who have a liking for adventures. I will list down some magnificent adventure destination that one must visit in India
Click here to read-

Habt ihr euch schon mal gefragt, warum ihr pltzlich Werbung fr Regenschirme seht, obwohl ihr nach der Wettervorhersage sucht Willkommen in der Welt des Trackings! Hier verfolgen Cookies und Fingerprinting eure Online-Schritte.

Mehr Infos bekommt ihr hier:

i would like to start buying lots of pc and doing basic upgrades then flipping but i have almost no sales and mkt skills - really have to work on that - the sales guys and gals in the office are the most critical part of the machine - without them nothing happens line and analytics - what is actually working

consumers have come to expect and on budget TVs from names like or . But the biggest companies in are working on turning their sets into -prolific billboards, too
"Internet connectivity, advanced techniques, and interest in collection from megastores are pushing TVs to evolve from billboards to stores
" watching could become much more commercialized

I really like my Raspberry Pi FOSS streaming box - it fixes most of the TV privacy issues in the article linked above. This guide made setting it up relatively easy too:

I do also have an older, non-smart TV as the display, but I imagine it's possible to disable a bunch of features on newer ones and replace those features with the Pi.

"In an email to Ars, Hoffman-Andrews at the EFF added, 'Nobody wants a snooping and snitching television, but lately that's all you can buy.'"

Mal wieder spaeshalber in die Runde gefragt: Gibt es inzwischen eine datenschutzfreundliche(re) Alternative zu

Your set has become a digital . And its only getting worse.

Rather than selling as many TVs as possible, brands like , , , and are increasingly, if not primarily, seeking recurring revenue from already-sold TVs via ad sales and .


whrend ich fieberhaft auf den neuen Controller fr mein e-bike warte hat schon mal beschlossen das es bereits Morgen en mich erfolgreich zugestellt wird.

Nothing in life is free - RIGHT

Guess what - your free access to internet resources was only temporary so 'they' could build a huge user base that they could then exploit!

Someone told me DuckDuckGo is advertising its browser.

I like the privacy their browser defends. But advertising That has to be paid for. I fear enshittification is around the corner.

Too bad, because the volume of tracking attempts (mostly from Google, also from Amazon and LLM aggregators that feed AI) on my Android mobile device is in the tens of thousands per month, and DuckDuckGo browser blocks those.

tracks the shit out of you! And they probably sell your data for a buck ... This should be illegal worldwide!

Riiiight. X is just upset that it can't use trackers.

uBlock Origin in Chrome weiternutzen nach Manifest V2-Abschaltung

plant, die Untersttzung fr klassische Erweiterungen wie Origin in bald einzustellen, was zu einer erheblichen Vernderung fr die Nutzer fhren wird.

Hey, it's in Queens now - parcel visited 4/5 boroughs. Should get here later today.

New tool simplifies data analysis.

Nope, it's back in Brooklyn.

DuckDuckGo bietet anonymen Zugriff auf KI-Chatbots
gehrt zu den beliebten , da sie keine privaten Informationen sammelt. Jetzt knnen Nutzer ber DuckDuckGo nicht nur ohne nach Informationen suchen, sondern auch Bots anonym nutzen

So now it's in western Manhattan.

I live in Queens. Eastern Queens.

Who knows, maybe it will go to the Bronx next.

"How Venezuela May Be Using Google Analytics to Track Political Dissidents"

OH bei :

"Ein Deutscher ist jemand, der aus dem Portemonnaie langwierig seine -Karte rausholt, damit er ordentlich getrackt werden kann, und dann mit zahlt."

Das gilt natrlich 1:1 auch fr viele andere Staaten wie auch fr .

Ein an mich liegt seit zwei tagen beim Absender zur Abhoung durch bereit. Wenn ich das abfrage wird der Zeitpunkt zu dem DHL das Paket zum Versand angekndigt wurde jedes mal auf die aktuelle Zeit gesetzt. Ein neuer Trick um die interne Qualittssicherung aufzuhbschen Weiss man da Genaueres

USPS tracking says that yesterday my parcel was in Brooklyn. It now says it's in Staten Island.

I live in Queens, so I'm a little confused by the detour.

You have to *beep* ing be #kidding me ..
Who ships a #laptop without #tracking number !
I'm baffled

Heit es eigentlich Tracking-Link, weil man da getrackt wird

"Copy link without " is nice. Can we now have "Follow link without tracking", "Open link without tracking in new tab" as well as a setting that makes these three the default, so the context menu doesn't have to be used for these use cases

executor duties