Track the members of your group.  

" Gpredict is a real-time satellite

" Gpredict is a real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction application. It can track a large number of satellites and display their position and other data in lists, tables, maps, and polar plots (radar view). Gpredict can also predict the time of future passes for a satellite, and provide you with detailed information about each pass.
Gpredict is different from other satellite tracking programs in that it allows you to group the satellites into visualisation modules. Each of these modules can be configured independently from the others giving you unlimited flexibility concerning the look and feel of the modules. Naturally, Gpredict will also allow you to track satellites relatively to different observer locations - at the same time. "

Thema : Ich suche ein Tool, mit dem ich GPX-Dateien aus etc. importieren und als PNGs exportieren kann, am besten sogar noch so, dass es schick in einem Blogbeitrag aussieht.

Sollte im besten Fall als App/browserbasiert funktionieren, da ich unterwegs nur Smartphone & Tablet dabei habe. Kennt jemand was

Welche Daten sammelt ber mich

Google personalisiert seine Dienste mit Hilfe mglichst vieler Nutzer*innendaten. Doch was speichert der Konzern tatschlich ber uns Und kann man der Datensammlung widersprechen

Verletzt MSO365 Edu die Datenschutzrechte von Kindern
Genau das meint noyb und hat deshalb zwei Beschwerden in sterreich gegen Microsoft (365 Education) wegen Verletzung der Datenschutzrechte von Kindern eingereicht.

Met behulp van 353802 regels heeft AdGuard Home 12.22 % van de DNS-verzoeken gefilterd op advertenties. ()

#noyb hat zwei Beschwerden gegen #Microsoft eingereicht. Microsoft 365 verstt gegen die Datenschutzrechte von Schler*innen und setzt diese unerlaubtem #Tracking aus.

#DSGVO #Datenschutz #M365 #Schule

grundstzlich stimme ich Dir zu - jedoch ist es auch hier mglich Dich zu tracken

ber das TV-Gert werden fr das menschliche Ohr unhrbare Tne gesendet, die Dein Smartphone jedoch wahrnehmen kann

Laufen hier in Apps oder auf Websites die auswertenten Techniken, dann kann ein gertebergreifendes stattfinden

OMG! I was just trying to find SKAM Norway songs on Spotify yesterday, and now YouTube randomly suggests a fan-made SKAM Norway video today!
How could they cross-track me

Met behulp van 360775 regels heeft AdGuard Home 7.83 % van de DNS-verzoeken gefilterd op advertenties. ()

Putin-kritische Journalisten in der EU mit - angegriffen heise online


Tot nu toe heb ik voorkomen dat 2326 advertenties en trackers het thuisnetwerk konden bereiken door gebruik van AdGuard Home! ()

"Wir wissen, wer die Produkte wo kauft": plant Werbenetzwerk iX Magazin

AdGuard Home heeft vandaag 19440 DNS-verzoeken afgehandeld! ()

Met behulp van 361238 regels heeft AdGuard Home 4.71 % van de DNS-verzoeken gefilterd op advertenties. ()

Mit Gefahrensituationen vermeiden

Tracking von Kindern 30%. Tracking des eigenen Partner oder die eigene Partnerin 7%.
Tracking hilfsbedrftiger Personen, zum Beispiel krperlich oder geistig labiler Menschen wie Alzheimer- oder Demenzkranker 1%.

AdGuard Home heeft vandaag 32518 DNS-verzoeken afgehandeld! ()

Kdenlive supports the following 7 tracking algorithms.

- Kernelized Correlation Filters (KCF)
- Channel and Spatial Reliability Tracking (CSRT)
- Minimum Output Sum of Squared Error (MOSSE)
- Multiple Instance Learning (MIL)
- MedianFlow
- The DaSiamRPN visual tracking algorithm relies on deep-learning models to provide extremely accurate results. (DaSiam)
- Nano tracker is a lightweight model and gives good results and is fast. (Nano)

Kdenlive supports motion tracking. Motion tracking is the process of locating a moving object across time. Kdenlive uses OpenCV for motion detection. The results of this effect can be used in other effects by copying the keyframe data generated by the Motion Tracker as position keyframes in the Transform effect.

Flowblade 2.16 now has motion tracking.

"Motion Tracking Create" is a filter that creates the tracking data based on region of image and algorithm selected by the user.

"Motion Tracking Apply" is the filter that applies tracking data on another image to follow the image element that was the source of the tracking data.

"Motion tracked masked" is a filter allowing you to blur a person's face, for example, in a video.

I cut my teeth tracking Bush era rendition planes. These headlines are wrong. We, will, and still track planes. It will not be as easy, but still doable to the spotting community. The situational trackers like swifties will have it harder

L'appli Aurora permet de se passer de Google Play et affiche pour chaque app viaxodus le nombre de permissions et surtout celui des traqueurs.

Et je viens de voir que lorsque le rapport d'audit n'existe pas, on peut demander une analyse! On tape et aprs quelques secondes, le rapport s'affiche!

C'est vraiment efficace et indispensable. Un outil d'intrt public.

aussi sur desktop:

Nur wenige Menschen nutzen laut einer Umfrage Tracking

Genau wissen, wo der Partner oder das Kind gerade ist - viele knnen sich laut einer Umfrage vorstellen, dafr Tracking-Systeme zu nutzen. In der Praxis machen es die meisten aber (noch) nicht.

Learn how makes some hundred millions just with their browser and and

accused of secretly drivers with

Warum ist das Einbinden von Trackern auf Webseiten und Apps, besonders bei ffentlichen oder quasi-ffentlichen Institutionen ein Problem Nun, u.a. deshalb:

"Filing a proposed class-action suit in California, Katherine Wilson has accused Google of using Google Analytics and DoubleClick trackers on the California DMV site to unlawfully obtain information about her personal disability without her consent.


I love it when I get an email which *looks* like it is from a corporation with whom I have a relationship, and it has a login button in it whose link is NOT pointing to that corporation.


It could be. Your guess is as good as mine. You'd think that in this day and age, corporations wouldn't play stupid games by putting links to other sites that eventually redirect to theirs.

You'd think so...

But you'd be wrong. There's always an idiot in marketing who "needs" to track that you clicked that fucking button.

And here we are...

AdGuard Home heeft vandaag 29705 DNS-verzoeken afgehandeld! ()

"Wir wissen, wer die Produkte wo kauft": PayPal plant Werbenetzwerk

Bezahldienst PayPal will die Daten seiner Kunden mit einer neuen Werbeplattform zu Geld machen. Ob auch deutsche Nutzerdaten versilbert werden, ist noch offen.

Engadget: Samsung will stuff the Galaxy Watch with new AI health-tracking features

Schtzt der neue deutsche -Service unsere Daten Jain. Es ist ein interessantes Angebot, aber mich berzeugt das Konzept nicht.

For years I have been tracking my reading, whether by Goodreads or Audible but more recently, within the last four months, or so, I also started using Bookmory, booktracker and a fourth one but I dont remember the name. The one whose name I forgot was abandonned because it forgot my login information after an app update and I couldnt be bothered renewing it, especially as I was been nagged to pay a monthly fee.

Before you tell me that developers need to live, and that by paying for an App I help them improve the app that I like using I will remind you that every single app wants from 20-31 CHF per year. Thats not much when you use one or two apps, but its a gigantic amount when you use ten apps. Would you want to pay 300 francs per year for ten apps I dont.

Goodreads used to be an independent app that I enjoyed using. It was quick, clean and reliable, but eventually Amazon bought it so it became part of a monopoly company, rather than an indie developer. I like that I can see how many books, and even how many pages Ive read. I dont like that Im giving data to Amazon for free, when they monopolise book sales, especially in English. I dont like that they bought Audible but I like Audible so I have not jumped ship yet, but I could, because with Audiobookshelf running from a Pi I have my entire library in one place.

## Book tracker

Book tracker gives you features like the library to see all your books, some statistics, quotes, how many books youve read, how many youre currently reading and the number of books youve read. It measures progress with a percentage. You can press + 1 until you get to the current progress amount. You also have a reading timer for when youre reading either physical books or books in written format, rather than audio.

I paid 25 CHF for a lifetime of use with this app. I had not see whether I would stick with it but at 25 CHF I took the risk.

## Bookmory

Bookmory is an app that wants 31 CHF per day. For that price it shows no ads, unlimited text extraction, daily statistics timeline, unlimited stats and unlocked themes. Thats for 31 CHF per year, every year, for years. Its 3.50 CHF per month, so the price of one coffee per month. Its not the ocean to drink, to use a french expression, but as I said, when you have 10 or more apps at 30 CHF per year each it becomes 300 CHF per year. Thats almost a new iphone SE per year.

What I like about this app is that you can track books by page number, by percentage or by read time. When youre reading a physical book its easy to find the page number. When youre reading a kindle book its easier to find the read percentage. If you use the Audible app its easier to get the read time. With Audiobookshelf you have both the read time or the percentage.

In my experience its easier to remember a number between 0-100 than hh:mm:ss like with audio books. Its also faster.

## Bookshelf

In my opinion one of the worst thing that apps can do is prevent me from saving data from their app to my iCloud account. The reason for this is simple. I am paying for iCloud so the app is forcing me to pay to use something that I have already paid to use, mainly my own cloud storage. The second thing that I dont like is that it either costs 30 CHF per year at half price or 72 CHF per year at full cost. The redeeming feature is that for 60 CHF per year you get the app for life which could be a decade, or it could be a year or two, depending on how well the app does. The cost, if paid per month, is 6 CHF per month.

Although minor, when trying to add two or three books they were not found in the database. For 72 CHF per year I would expect not to face this problem.

### Potentially interesting Features

The daily reading goal is measured in minutes rather than as a percentage or page number. I am not sure how it was tracked as the app lost its data and I forgot about it until writing this blog post. I have logged that I read 10 books this year and it extrapolated that at the current rate I would read twenty four this year. The trends for the last seven days are currently empty as I just re-installed the app.

## And Finally

Goodreads is a good book tracking app. Its because it is owned by Amazon that I am less interested in using it. It has also become buggy and slow in recent years.

Book Tracker is the cheapest app. You can use it for free with all functionality, but you also have the option of paying 25 or 28 CHF for full access to the app for life, with no monthly plans. It works well but if you track page turns with one book and reading positing as a time or percentage with another then you will have two different sets of data so the streaks will be broken constantly. This isnt critical, as, to me, the interesting thing is to read books, not keep reading streaks. Reading 20 books in a year is more interesting than reading 300 days in a row.

Bookmory is nice because it encourages you to backup, for free, regularly. This means that the likelihood of losing your data is almost inexistant. You can see the books youre currently reading, as well as info on how many days it has taken you to read a book. I am on Day 48 for Poland by Michener, 63 for The Three Body Problem, and so on. The stats arent that good with this app.

If you go to the achievement page you can see all the books you have read, in reverse chronological order, from latest read book to oldest read book.

Bookshelf has great potential but by losing data two or three months ago, after encouraging me to pay for simple iCloud backups to my own cloud I lost interest despite thinking that it looked like the best app. I will have to revisit the app.

#apps #books #habit #quantifiedSelf #reading #tracking

"Spotify informed Ars Technica in a response to an inquiry that the whole point of the Car Thing was to 'learn more about how people listen in the car.' If thats the case, the company is essentially suggesting that it duped customers into paying for the pleasure of performing Spotifys market research for it and then bricked those paying customers devices once the company was done with that whole thing."

Comment replies to the article are interesting, also.

Is Planning an Business Using Data on Its Millions of Shoppers - Slashdot

I've updated my WiFi SSID to include the "optoutnomap" suffix for a bit of privacy. The "optout" part signals to Microsoft that I don't want to be tracked by their Wi-Fi-based positioning system (WPS), while "nomap" does the same for Apple and Google. It's important to get the order right: "optout" can be placed anywhere in the SSID, but "nomap" must always be at the end.

Here is the article I suggest you read

Dunno, if other social media thinks you are in the same democratic as they think I am. And therefore get fed these ads going something like - Dads get your 25 year old body back, with these simple exercises! Hmm, my 25 year old body was bigger than I am now, so back to pizza, crisp, beer and video rentals it is then ...

Nutzer-Tracking auf dem Smartphone So blockst du die Mobilfunkkonzerne!

Das von Mobilfunkanbietern gegrndete Unternehmen fhrt Telefonnummer und IP-Adresse von Smartphone-Nutzern in einer ID zusammen, um deren Besuch auf Webseiten zu tracken.

Met behulp van 356699 regels heeft AdGuard Home 2.70 % van de DNS-verzoeken gefilterd op advertenties. ()

Tot nu toe heb ik voorkomen dat 574 advertenties en trackers het thuisnetwerk konden bereiken door gebruik van AdGuard Home! ()

Especially useful to prevent people from accidentally clicking on a with all the

Tot nu toe heb ik voorkomen dat 654 advertenties en trackers het thuisnetwerk konden bereiken door gebruik van AdGuard Home! ()

free fake degree