Track the members of your group.  

: des -Herstellers kommt ber Online-Werbung

: des -Herstellers kommt ber Online-Werbung heise online

bizarre, it still powers the bluetooth chip when the phone is off allowing it to continue sending beacons for the "Find My Device" network

"Android 15 could allow devices to be tracked even when switched off"


It stands to reason that if you want to get a hold of a lot of data, which technically has value, your job would be the devalue said data as much as possible.

This is what happened to the citc 2000, when covered every single page like a plague of locusts. Your eyeball time was devalued.

Then, basically devalued your personal information by making it normal to give all of it away.

Now Facebook wants $10 to remove ads, but not .

Just a reminder that on March 28th, 2017 the U.S. House voted to approve a Senate resolution that allows internet service providers to sell your browsing history to anyone who will pay for it.
Remember, your U.S. ISP is legally spying on you, tracking where you go on the internet, and then shamelessly reselling that information.

...because the above on contains a ... unfortunately I couldn't post the link usable here on . That's why the link shortener for once, but not one that you. You can see which one, why and alternatives in the link:

:mastodon: GER

Integrate the X (twitter) tracking pixel on your LnkBio page


von und verriet .

Ein Designproblem in der der und des chinesischen Versenders Yun Express hat dazu gefhrt, dass Dritte die Empfngeradressen deutscher DHL-Kunden ansehen konnten. ...

Es folgte ein Vortrag von Andreas Mayer (HS Heilbronn): "Self- & Running a Marathon: Is your in Danger"

Rachelle Sellung prsentierte eine Forschungsarbeit des iaostuttgart
auf der GI zum Thema or being tracked: How much do self-trackers care about their datas

Darum ist Microsoft 365 schlecht fr die : Deshalb wre der passende Begriff. Alles in allem wird es einer der Grnde sein, warum die DSK sagt, dass nicht datenschutzkonform einsetzbar ist.

This is the repository of the trackenn prototype that was released a month ago

Ad revenue
by Jeremy Keith

Offenbar versuchen Webseiten ihr immer strker zu verschleiern, denn wer nennt eine JavaScript-Datei schon jslzljvXWO98rBqSWMwogCpcmHZKMdtofun4HuVbTY.js

Es artet aus und nimmt groteske Formen an.

Wie oft bekommt man eigentlich eine neue IP-Adresse

Ich teste das gerade mit diesem Script, dass ich tglich aufrufe:
printf "IP: %s - %sn" $(curl -s $(date +'%d.%m.%Y') >>iplog4.txtprintf "IP: %s - %sn" $(curl -s $(date +'%d.%m.%Y') >>iplog6.txt

Knnt ihr auch manuell abrufen und notieren (oder lokal im System abfragen, aber das ist meist komplizierter):

Mich interessieren die Ergebnisse wegen :

How do you normally track your progress towards goals you have

Fjords, Pharaohs or Koalas Time to Plan for Your Next Eclipse
<-- shared media article
If you cant get enough of totality, or missed out this time, youll have three more chances in the next four years in destinations like Iceland, Spain, Egypt and Australia

Seen on . and for on .

Polizei verteilt "Fingerabdrcke" fr Fahrrder

Mit der Codierung kann ein Fahrraddiebstahl nicht verhindert werden - aber die Chance steigt, das Rad wiederzubekommen.

Majority of now use
According to a survey of 2,000 Americans conducted by research firm Censuswide, on behalf of Ghostery, a maker of software to block and online , 52 percent of Americans now use an , up from 34 percent according to 2022 Statista data.

Fein, aber YT Video-Links bitte gerne nicht direkt zu YT, sondern zu einer Instanz von Invidious. Im Beispiel:

: IgnisDa/ryot: Roll your own tracker! Dommage, impossible de l'installer, j'ai une erreur chaque fois en utilisant le docker compose de la doc :/ Sinon a se rapprochait d'un de mes projets persos, mais en plus beau et a aurait pu m'intresser d'y participer.

"Concerns raised over universities signing over students private FERPA data to voter data companies"

"universities nationwide have signed over students private FERPA data to a third-party vendor that reviews their personal information to help study college students voting trends."

Main use of , is keeping away potential , or finding your (with data relayed to the ) in the event it is .

Cookie consent choices are just being ignored by some websites

I finished my SAR Advanced Tracking Training this weekend. It was a long 20hr course, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot.

It was a lot of hiking and getting down low to study the subtle details in each track. I need to do a lot more squats to prepare lol.

"Detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Mammals"

"Detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Wild Birds"

Some focus so much on providing shiny new AI-related that they forget to take care of their functionality (which was the only reason why many customers in the first place).

Just canceled my subscription to a for that. I don't need your AI content suggestion. Even less when your stopped working.

Losing existing customers hoping to get new ones in a fierce market doesn't seem to me the best business idea

Kritisches in Kinderberwachungs-App "Kid Security" heise online

Autodiebstahl mit : Kanadische Ganoven markieren teure Autos Mac & i

Ich habe fr euch mal die Punkte auf der Webseite korrigiert. Gerne bernehmen.

Fight back against online tracking! Choose a default browser with built-in features to block trackers.

"You've run out of free articles. Keep up with the future of tech for..."
Errrm... What was this about tracking people
(and besides: I haven't been on the site in months)

Kritisches Datenleck in Kinderberwachungs-App "Kid Security"

Millionen Datenstze waren bei der Tracking-App Kid Security laut Sicherheitsforschern offen einsehbar, darunter GPS-Daten, Audioaufnahmen und private Chats.

Best (2024): , , , ,

Ad are out of control. Use a that reins them in.


I wrote a brief overview of tracking apps, some of which can also be used for tracking:

Ein -Troll: "Ein geklauter Masterkey hat erstmal nichts mit DSGVO zu tun, das war ein Unfall. So wie auch du deinen Haustrschlssel verlieren kannst.

Und zum Rest verweise ich auf die DSGVO-Aussagen auf der Webseite."

ich glaub ich spar mir den Rest das zu kommentieren...


"UK to Begin Nationwide Blood Test Trials for Dementia"

"The UK is set to conduct nationwide trials to evaluate the effectiveness of blood tests in diagnosing dementia."

rich and famous